The Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine issued a collection of research papers
"Voronoi's Impact on Modern Science"
(in English, a set of two books, 504 pages, eds: P.Engel (Bern, Switzerland) and H.Syta (Kyiv, Ukraine)).

Georgy Voronoi (1868--1908) is known as a scientist with exceptional mathematical abilities, he published only 12 papers, but most of them have a considerable influence both on mathematical investigations and numerous applications, they served as a basis to several new directions of research in

It is remarkable that mathematical objects created by G.Voronoi have become now very handy research instruments in different fields of science: crystallography, astronomy, astrophysics, electronics, radiation physics, chemistry, computer graphics, artificial intelligence, chemical engineering, image recognition, ophtalmology, microbiology, etc.

Until now works by G.Voronoi have been recognized and employed by researchers in many countries of the world: England, USA, Canada, France, Spain, Switzerland, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Russia, Poland, Czechia, Austria, Lithuania, Japan, New Zealand, etc.

Contents of the book.

Part 1. History

Halyna M. Syta (Ukraine) Short Biography of G.Voronoi
Andrzej Schinzel (Poland) The Warsaw Period of Voronoi's Creative Work
Fragments from Voronoi's Diary
Marjorie Senechal (USA) From Summation Formulae to Lattices and Back Again

Part 2. Mathematics

Stefan Porubsky (Czech Rep.) Voronoi Type Congruences for Bernoulli Numbers
Ingrid Biehl, Johannes Buchmann (Germany) An Analysis of the Reduction Algorithms for Binary Quadratic Forms
Martin N. Huxley (England) The Influence of G.Voronoi on Analytic Number Theory
Antanas Laurincikas (Lithuania) On the Voronoi Summation Formulae
Matti Jutila (Finland) Atkinson's Formula Revisited
Mark McConnell (USA) Generalizations of Voronoi I to Symmetric Spaces and Arithmetic Groups
Jacques Martinet (France) Perfect and Eutactic Lattices: Extensions of Voronoi's Theory
Lilija G. Boitsun (Ukraine) Functional Voronoi Method
Vitaly A. Andrienko, A. A. Tatarkina (Ukraine) Voronoi Summation Method in the Summation Theory of Divergent Series
Noam D. Elkies (USA) The Still-Life Density Problem and its Generalizations
Jesper Moeller (Denmark) A Review on Probabilistic Models and Results for Voronoi Tessellations
Igor N. Kovalenko (Ukraine) An Extension of a Conjecture of D.G.Kendall Concerning Shapes of Large Random Polygons to Poisson Voronoi Cells

Part 3. Investigations in Parallelohedra and Voronoi Domains

Oswin Aichholzer, Franz Aurenhammer (Austria) Straight Skeletons for General Polygonal Figures in the Plane
Peter Engel (Switzerland) New Investigations on Parallelohedra in R^d
Robert M. Erdahl (Canada) Zonotopes, and Voronoi's Conjecture on Parallelohedra
Michel Deza (France), Viatcheslav Grishukhin (Russia) Voronoi L-Decomposition of PSD_n and the Hypermetric Correlation Cone
Michel Deza (France), Mikhail Shtogrin (Russia) Embedding of Skeletons of Voronoi and Delaunay Partitions into Cubic Lattices
Olaf Delgado Friedrichs, Daniel H. Huson (Germany) A Combinatorial Theory of Tilings
Nikolai P. Dolbilin (Russia) Which Clusters Can Form a Crystal?
Oleg R. Musin (Russia) Construction of the Voronoi Diagram and Secondary Polytope
Sergei S. Ryshkov, Evgenii P. Baranovskii (Russia) The Repartitioning Complexes in n-dimensional Lattices (with Full Description for n\&less = 6)
Vasilii A. Ustimenko (Ukraine) Coordinatization of Regular Tree and its Quotients

Part 4. Applications in Natural Sciences

Masaharu Tanemura (Japan) The Forms of Space Division
Nikolai N. Medvedev (Russia) Computational Porosimetry
Kazuo Tsumuraya (Japan) Voronoi Polyhedron Analyses in Metal Liquids and Glasses
Witold M. Bartczak (Poland) Voronoi Polyhedron as a Geometrical Model of the Trapping Sites for an Excess Electron in Disordered Media
Witold M. Bartczak, Michal Zapalowski (Poland) Computer Simulations of Highly-Concentrated Aqueous Solutions of Ionic Salts. Voronoi-Polyhedra Analysis of the Ionic Configurations in Solutions
Narendra Ahuja, Ram Charan (USA) Curve Detection in 3D Dot Patterns Using Voronoi Neighbourhoods
Reinhard Klette, Shao-zheng Zhou (New Zealand) Multiresolution Surface Reconstruction on Network Models

The persons or institutions interested in the proposed collection of papers can order it by e-mail: syta@imath.kiev.ua

The price is: $50 (postage included).

Last modified October 9, 1998