
Personal Data

Full name Gasanenko Vitalii Alekseevich

Date of Birth : 23.02.1952.
Place of Birth :  Ukraine.

Languages Spoken:
Ukrainian, Russian, English.

Current Scientific Interests
Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes, Applied Mathematics
Boundary problems of random processes(small deviations, sojurn time problems of random processes, absorption by boundaries, viability, etc.).
Modeling , analysis, simulation and prediction of random events and phenomena (raring processes, safety and reliability of technological processes and constructions, financial mathematics, VoIP- technology , etc)


The Faculty of Cybernetics of  National Taras Shevchenko University of Kiev 1970-1975(with distinction).
Postgraduate course in 1976-1979.
Ph.D. Thesis (1980) “The asymptotic analysis of  a raring  processes in queueing systems”
Ph.D Advisors : Vladimir V. Anisimov and  Georgij A. Kozlik.
Doctor’s Thesis (2006) “The investigations of a random processes in tube domains”
Science Consultant : Vladimir  S. Koroluk

Professional Experience
1975-1979 -Assistant & Project Engineer &Scientist worker Institute of Automatic,  Kiev ,
1980 – present -Senior researcher& Leader Scientist worker, Institute of Mathematics of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
2006-Responsible executor, The safety of energy objects., Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine.
2002-2004-Professor of National Aviation University,  Kiev
2005-Assistant  professor, Kyiv’s University of Market Relations
1999 – 2002-Director, Innovation and Expert Center "INTECNOR" (Nuclear Structure Mechanics and Engineering, Safety Analysis). Ministry of Ecology and Nuclear Safety.
1997-1998-Supervisor, The calculations of deposite rate, Institute of bankers.
1992-1994-Supervisor, The viability of dynamics systems.  Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.
1985-1986-Assistant  professor,  Natioanl Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”.
1983-1986-Responsible executor, Control of water flow in the open canals, Ukraine Hydro-melioration Institute
1980-1983-Responsible executor, Reliability of aircraft engine, Zaporozhye Machinebuilding Institution

Selected Publications
Applications of thinning process.,Annals Univ. Sci. Budapest., Sect. Comp. 11,1991, pp. 35 - 51.
The problem of  broken line, with V.V. Ostapenko and I.V. Protasov,  Kyiv, “Svitovyd”, 1993, 20 p.
The mathematical models of optimization of deposite rate, with V.V. Ostapenko and O.S.Ostapenko, in book “The theory of calculations “ , Kyiv, Institute of Cybernetics, 1999,
pp. 107-111.
The total asymptotic expansion of stay probability of diffusion processes into thin domains with the moving boundaries, Ukrainian Math. Journ. (51) 1999, pp.1155-1164.
Probabilistic approaches in assessments of strength reliability of NPP’s concrete containment, with V.B.Krytskyy, ESS’2000, 12-th European Simulation Symposium, September 28-30, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 557-581.
To asymptotic of sojurn time probability of Poisson process between divergent boundaries,
Ukrainian, Math. Journ. (53) 2001, pp. 14-22.
On asymptotic independence of exit moment and position from a small domain for diffusion processes, Central European Journal of Mathematics 1, 2003, pp.86-96.
On invariant sets for stochastic differential equations, Theory Stochastic Processes, 9(25), 2003, pp.60-64.
Limit theorems for number of diffusion processes which did not absorb by boundaries,
with A. Fedullo,  Central European Journal of  Mathematics 4(4) 2006, pp. 624-634.
Limit raring processes and  rarefaction of two interacted renewal processes, Reability: Theory and Applications, no.4, v.1, 2006, pp. 1-13.

Actual member (academician) of  International Academy of Life Protection (2005-present)
 Grant  (2000-2001) IAEA Research Contract No: 11123/Regular Budget Fund
 Grant of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine , project No.01.07/103 (2001-2004)
 Grant of  NATO "The Structure and Risk Assessments of Nuclear Power Plants’ (NPPs’) Safety in Relation to Aircraft Crash" project SStCLG.978967 coordinated by the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) USA (2002-2004).
  -  Grant 168-203 “Working up of the system of estimation criterion and quantitative indexes for   definition of effective realization the programs for overcome of poverty” in frame of State Programm. 2003.


- International workshop on free boundary flows and related problems of analysis, Kiev,
  September 25-30, 2005.
- International conference “Small deviations and related topics, II” St. Petersburg, September 12-19, 2005.
- “Сучасні проблеми теорії ймовірностей та перспективи її розвитку” , Чернівці, 19-26        червня 2005 року.
- Conference “ Functional Methods in Approximation Theory, Operator Theory, Stochastic Analysis and Statistics II”, October 1-5, 2004, Kyiv, Ukraine.
- Міжнародна конференція пам’яті В.Я.Буняковського, Київ,16-21 серпня 2004.
- Stochastic Dynamical Systems  May-June, 2003,  Sudak, Cream, Ukraine.
-  Друга міжнародна наукова практична конференція  Відкриті еволюціонуючі системи 1-30 грудня 2003 року.
 - Conference Dedicated to the 90 th Anniversary of B.V.Gnedenko, June 3-7, 2002, Kyiv,      Ukraine.
 - Український математичний конгрес 21-23 серпня, 2001 року, Київ
 - International conference “Stochastic Analysis and its Applications”, June 10-17 , 2001, Lviv,
- The second International conference on Stochastic Evolution Systems, Ukraine,Crimea, 1992;
 - 4-th and 6-th USSR-Japan symposium on probability theory and mathematical statistics. Tbilisi,1982; Kiev, 1991.
- 11-th Prague conference on information theory, statistics decision function and random processes Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1990.
- 4-th  International conferences on Probability theory and Mathematical statistics. Vilnius, USSR, 1985
