Department of Theory of Functions

Kandidate of Sciences (Physics & Mathematics)
Junior Scientific Worker of the Department of Theory of Functions
SOKOLENKO Igor Wolodimirovich




  1. Sokolenko, I.V. Simultaneous approximation of -integrals of periodic functions by Fourier sums. (Ukrainian) - Extremal problems in the theory of functions and related problems (Ukrainian). Pr.Inst.Mat.Nats.Akad.Nauk Ukr.Mat.Zastos., 46, Natsional.Akad.Nauk Ukraini, Inst.Mat., Kiev. - 2003. - 46. – P.249–264.
  2. Stepanets, O.I.; Sokolenko, I.V. Approximation of -integrals of functions defined on the real line by Fourier operators. (Ukrainian) - Ukrain.Mat.Zh. - 2004. - 56, ¹7. – P.960-965; translation in Ukrainian Math.J. - 2004. - 56, ¹7. – P.1144–1150.
  3. Sokolenko, I.V. Approximation of -integrals of continuous functions defined on the real line by Fourier operators. (Ukrainian) - Ukrain.Mat.Zh. - 2004. - 56, ¹5. – P.663-676; translation in Ukrainian Math.J. - 2004. - 56, ¹5. – P.799–816.
  4. Sokolenko, I.V. Approximation by Serdyuk operators of -differentiable functions defined on real axis. (Ukrainian) - Problems of approximation theory of functions and related questions: Collection of papers of the Institute of Mathematics of NASU. - 2007. - 4, ¹1. – P.318–334.
  5. Sokolenko, I.V. Approximation by certain linear operators of classes defined on real axis continuous -differentiable functions. (Ukrainian) - Approximation theory of functions and related questions: Collection of papers of the Institute of Mathematics of NASU. - 2008. - 5, ¹1. – P.352–366.
  6. Sokolenko, I.V. Approximation of classes of locally summable functions by certain linear operators. (Ukrainian) - Approximation theory of functions and related questions: Collection of papers of the Institute of Mathematics of NASU. - 2010. - 7, ¹1. – P.317–324.

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