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August, 21 - Monday
Time | Speakers and titles |
12:00 - 13:30 | Opening : Short speeches/recollections of Anatole Katok, Alexander Sharkovsky and Anatole Stepin |
16:30 - 17:20 | Benjamin Weiss (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Amenable groups and their actions - course I |
17:30 - 18:20 | Mike Keane ( CWI, The Netherlands )
Classification questions for noncommutative Bernoulli schemes |
August, 22 - Tuesday
Time | Speakers and titles |
9:00 - 9:50 | Benjamin Weiss (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Amenable groups and their actions - course II |
10:20 - 11:10 | Oleg Kozlovski (University of Warwick, UK)
Structural stability in one dimensional dynamics - course I |
11:20 - 12:10 | Pierre Arnoux (Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy, France)
Plane tilings, Jacobi-Perron algoritm,$Z^2$-actions and substitutions |
12:30 - 13:10 |
Andres del Junco (University of Toronto,Canada)
On rank one mixing group actions |
13:20 - 14:10 | Aner Shalev (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Probabilistic methods in the study of the modular group |
16:30 - 17:00 | Section A
Jozef Bobok (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic) On the Topological Entropy of Transitive Maps of the Interval Section B Klaus Thomsen (University of Aarhus, Denmark) The defect of factor maps |
17:10 - 17:40 | Section A
Deborah King (University of New South Wales, Australia) The fab four - entropy-maximal $4k$-cycles Section B Alexander Kachurovskii (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia) Rates of convergence in ergodic theorems |
17:50 - 18:20 | Section A
Julien Cassaigne (Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy, France) Ideas for the proof of Rauzy's conjecture on the recurence function of finite words Section B Maxim Boyko (Kharkov National University, Ukraine) On embedding of finite permutation group into a locally compact groups |
18:30 - 19:00 | Section A
Laurent Bartholdi (University of Geneva, Switzerland) Parabolic space of branch groups Section B Konstantin Kulagin (Kharkov National University, Ukraine) On dense embeddings of discrete groups into locally compact groups |
August, 23 - Wednesday
Time | Speakers and titles |
9:00 - 9:50 | Benjamin Weiss (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Amenable groups and their actions - course III |
10:20 - 11:10 | Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University, USA)
The interplay between ergodic theory, number theory and combinatorics - course I |
11:20 - 12:10 | Oleg Kozlovski (University of Warwick, UK)
Structural stability in one dimensional dynamics - course II |
12:20 - 13:10 | Alexander Blokh (University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA)
Growing trees, laminations and the Julia set |
13:20 - 14:10 | Lubomir Snoha (Matej Bel University, Slovakia)
Noninvertible minimal maps |
16:30 - 17:00 | Section A
Andrei Lodkin (St. Petersburg State University, Russia) Diffraction and dynamical spectra of quasicrystals Section B Sergey Gefter (Kharkov National University, Ukraine) Automorphism groups and fundamental groups of some ergodic equivalence relations of type II |
17:10 - 17:40 | Section A
Anton Eremenko (Moscow State University, Russia) Transformations with specified number of square roots Section B Vyacheslav Kulagin (Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, Ukraine) Orbit properties of pseudo-homeomorphism groups and their cocycles |
17:50 - 18:20 | Section A
Antonio Falco (Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, Spain) On the phase-locking renormalization for Lorenz-like maps Section B Alexander Bufetov (Independent University of Moscow, Russia) Operator ergodic theorems for free semigroup and group actions |
18:30 - 19:00 | Section A
Valery Samoilenko(Taras Shevchenko National University and Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine) On application of the one-dimensional dynamical system theory for studying of impulsive planar differential equations Section B Mikhail Kulikov (Moscow State University, Russia) Ergodicity and mixing of $T$-induced flows |
August, 24 - Thursday
Time | Speakers and titles |
9:00 - 9:50 | Oleg Kozlovski (University of Warwick, UK)
Structural stability in one dimensional dynamics - course III |
10:20 - 11:10 | Jean-Paul Thouvenot (Université Paris 6, France)
The ergodic theory of positive entropy transformations - course I |
11:20 - 12:10 | Jon Aaronson (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Invariant measures and asymptotic behaviour for some skew products |
12:20 - 13:10 | Lluis Alseda (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain)
Minimizing topological entropy for continuous maps on graphs |
13:20 - 14:10 | Jan Kwiatkowski (Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland)
The rank of Z(d)- actions |
16:30 - 17:00 | Section A
Vladimir Sharko (Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine) Vector fields on 4-manifolds Section B Nikita Sidorov (University of Science and Technology in Manchester, UK ) Bijective arithmetic codings of toral automorphisms |
17:10 - 17:40 | Section A
Mikhail Shashkov (Institute for Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Russia) On a chaos in bifurcation diagrams for systems with simple dynamics Section B Roman Muchnik (Yale University, USA) Orbits of Zariski dense semigroups of GL(n, Z) |
17:50 - 18:20 | Section A
Alexey Glutsyuk (Independent University of Moscow, Russia and IHES, France) TBA Section B Volodymyr Nekrashevych (Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine) Self-similar group actions |
18:30 - 19:00 | Section A
Georgi Chakvetadze (Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia ) On the stochastic stability of an one-dimensional drilling model Section B Mohammad Reza Molaei (Taherabadi) (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran) New Results in Generalized Dynamical Systems |
August, 25 - Friday
Time | Speakers and titles |
9:00 - 9:50 | Andre de Carvalho (SUNY at Stony Brook, USA)
Pruning, Kneading and Henon - course I |
10:20 - 11:10 | Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University, USA)
The interplay between ergodic theory, number theory and combinatorics - course II |
11:20 - 12:10 | Toby Hall (University of Liverpool, UK)
Dynamics implied by invariant Cantor sets |
12:20 - 13:10 | Anatole Stepin (Moscow State University, Russia)
Some aspects of ergodic theory and dynamical systems |
13:20 - 14:10 | Mariusz Lemanczyk (Nicholas Copernicus University, Poland)
Joinings and the relative discrete spectrum |
16:30 - 17:00 | Section A
Roman Hric (Matej Bel University, Slovakia) Minimal sets for maps on graphs and dendrites Section B Sylvie Ruette (Institut de Mathematiques de Luminy, France) Asymptotic pairs and entropy |
17:10 - 17:40 | Section A
Alexey Zhirov (Gagarin Airforce Academie, Russia ) On the problem of enumeration of dinamical systems. The case of two-dimensional diffeomorphisms Section B Stanislav Popovych (Taras Shevchenko National University, Ukraine) $C^*$-Algebras associated with $\mathcal{F}_{2^n}$ unimodal dynamical systems |
17:50 - 18:20 | Section A
Vladimir Gordin (Hydrometeorological Center of Russia & Indep. Moscow Univ., Russia) Lyapunov Functional Aproach to Stability; Extremal Stability, and Extremal Unstability Section B Vasyl Ostrovskyi (Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine) Dynamical systems and representations of involutive algebras |
18:30 - 19:00 | Section A
Evgeny Zhuzhoma (Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University, Russia) On structurally stable diffeomorphisms with codimension one expanding attractors Section B Alexandre Sokhet (Institute for Low Temperatures Physics & Engineering, Ukraine) Transitive actions have funny rank one |
August, 27 - Sunday
Time | Speakers and titles |
9:00 - 9:50 | Andre de Carvalho (SUNY at Stony Brook, USA)
Pruning, Kneading and Henon - course II |
10:20 - 11:10 | Jean-Paul Thouvenot (Université Paris 6, France)
The ergodic theory of positive entropy transformations - course II |
11:20 - 12:10 | Alexander Sharkovsky (Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine)
Boundary Value Problems and Dynamical Systems |
12:20 - 13:10 | Valentin Golodets (Inst. for Low Temperature Physics & Engineering,
On non-Bernoullian completely positive actions of Abelian groups |
13:20 - 14:10 | Anthony Dooley (University of New South Wales, Australia)
Markov Odometers |
16:30 - 17:00 | Section A
Peter Malicky (Matej Bel University, Slovakia) Backward orbits of transitive maps Section B Alexander Prikhod'ko (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) A counterexample to Rokhlin's problem on multiple mixing for $R^2$-actions |
17:10 - 17:40 | Section A
Evgueni Sataev (The Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, Russia ) One example of continuous dependence of invariant measure of parameters Section B Vitalij Sushchansky (Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University , Ukraine) On Dynamics of distance - decreasing Mappings of Ultrametric Spaces |
17:50 - 19:00 |
August, 28 - Monday
Time | Speakers and titles |
9:00 - 9:50 | Andre de Carvalho (SUNY at Stony Brook, USA)
Pruning, Kneading and Henon - course III |
10:20 - 11:10 | Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University, USA)
The interplay between ergodic theory, number theory and combinatorics - course III |
11:20 - 12:10 | Vadim Kaloshin (Princeton University and American Institute of Mathematics,
Growth of number of periodic points for generic diffeomorphisms |
12:20 - 13:10 | Kostya Khanin (Newton Institute, University of Cambridge, UK )
Global Hyperbolicity for Renormalizations of Circle Maps with Break Singularity |
13:20 - 14:10 | Alexandre Danilenko (Kharkov National University, Ukraine)
Fanny rank one nonsingular actions of Abelian groups and mixing |
16:30 - 17:00 | Section A
Vladislav Medvedev (Nizh. Novg. Research Institutefor Appl. Math.&Cybernetics, Russia) On the Closing lemma and existence of wandering intervals for piecewise differentiable circle maps Section B Yuri Tomilov (Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine) Ergodicity as universal type of asymptotic behaviour of dynamical systems |
17:10 - 17:40 | Section A
Peter Raith (Universitat Wien, Austria) Multifractal dimensions of invariant subsets for piecewise monotonic maps on the interval Section B Dierk Schleicher (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen , Germany) TBA |
17:50 - 18:20 | Section A
Jie-Hua Mai (Shantou University, P. R. China) Existence of periodic points of maps of spaces Section B Jean-Marie Strelcyn (Universite de Rouen, France) On generic nonintegrability of systems of ordinary differential equations |
18:30 - 19:00 | Section A
Viktor Tkachenko (Institute of Mathematics, Ukraine) On reducibility of linear skew-product systems Section B Rene Lozi (Nice University, France) Construction of trapping regions for some solutions of Chua's equations |
August, 29 - Tuesday
Time | Speakers and titles |
9:00 - 9:50 | Jean-Paul Thouvenot (Université Paris 6, France)
The ergodic theory of positive entropy transformations - course III |
10:20 - 11:10 | Vitaly Bergelson (Ohio State University, USA)
The interplay between ergodic theory, number theory and combinatorics - course IV |
11:20 - 12:10 | Sergei Pilyugin (S-Petersburg State University, Russia)
Attractivity and Shadowing in the Chafee-Infante Problem |
12:20 - 13:10 | Jean Renault (Universite d'Orleans, France)
Singly generated systems and their C*-algebras |
13:20 - 14:10 | Xiangdong Ye (University of Science & Technology of China, P.R.
Scrambled sets of continuous maps of compacta |
16:30 - 17:00 | Section A
David Juher (Universitat de Girona, Spain) Sets of periods of piecewise monotone tree maps Section B Oleg Sten'kin (Institute for Aplied Mathematics and Cybernetics, Russia) On two-dimensional diffeomorphisms with a countable set of stable and unstable closed invariant curves |
17:10 - 17:40 | Section A
Romen Plykin ( The Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, Russia ) Homeomorphisms of Hyperbolic codimension one attractors and centralizeurs problem Section B Andrij Olijnyk (Kyiv Taras Shevchenko University, Ukraine) Dynamics of actions of infinite dimentional unitriangle matrices |
18:10 - 19:00 | Bas Lemmens (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands )
The iteration of nonexpansive maps |
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