Stanislav SPICHAK
of Applied Research
Institute of Mathematics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
3 Tereshchenkivs'ka Street
01601 Kyiv-4
+380 (44) 234 63 22 (office)
+ 380 (44) 235 20 10 (office)
Date of Birth: 22.03.1964 (Ulianovsk region, Russia)
Nationality: Ukraine
Academic Background:
Ph.D. in Math.: 1992, Institute of Mathematics,
M.Sc. in Math.: 1987, Moscow Physical Technical
Professional Experience:
1994-till now
Junior Researcher, Researcher, Senior Researcher at the
of Applied Research of the Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv
Postgraduate Student, Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv
(Supervisor Prof. W.I. Fushchych)
Marital Status: married
Other activities:
Organization of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth
and Sixth International Conferences ``Symmetry
in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics'' (Kyiv, Ukraine, 1995, 1997, 1999,
2001, 2003, 2005);
Associate Professor of Mathematics and Informatics, National
Academy of Manadement, Kyiv (2002-2003).
Symmetry analysis of differential equations and applications,
exactly solvable systems
I am keen on mountain tourism.
The invariance of Dirac equations with respect to different
representations of the Poincare algebra has been obtained. The explicit
formulae have been built which connect solutions of Dirac and Maxwell equations.
Furthermore, the Dirac equations are turned out to possess a supersymmetry.
New nonlinearly second-order conformal invariant equations for a spinor
field have been built.
Lie and Q-conditional symmetry and exact solutions of local
Wilson renormalization group equation have been calculated and some exact
solutions of its have been found. Symmetry classification of the Kramers
equation and the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation with
arbitrary drift and diffusion coefficients has been fulfilled. For the
Kramer’s equation conditional symmetry and some exact solutions were calculated.
It was found that the Maxwell equations have the conditional
symmetries, which are nonlinear representations of the Poincare algebra.
The new methods for the construction of Hermitian quasi-exactly
and exactly solvable matrix Schrödinger operators on line have been
developed. On the basis of them multiparameter families of Hermitian quasi-exactly
and exactly solvable matrix Schrödinger models were constructed. Some
examples of such models with square-integrable functions of corresponding
space were found.
Lahno V.I., Spichak S.V. Group classification of quasi-linear elliptic type equations.
I. Invariance under solvable Lie algebras, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal,
2011, V. 63, N 2, 200-215 (in Ukrainian).
Nikitin A.G., Spichak S.V., Vedula Yu. S., Naumovets A.G. Symmetries and modelling functions for diffusion processes, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.,
2009, V. 42, 055301, 12 pp.
Lahno V.I., Spichak S.V. Group classification of quasi-linear elliptic type equations.
I. Invariance under Lie algebras with nontrivial Levi decomposition, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal,
2007, V. 59, N 11, 1532-1545 (in Ukrainian).
Spichak S.V. Group classification of quasi-linear elliptic type equations, in Proceedings of International Conference ``Differencial Equations and Related Topics''
(21-26 May, 2007, Moscow): Book of Abstracts. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2007. -
379 P.
Spichak S.V. Preliminary group classification of general two-dimensional quasi-linear elliptic type equations, Symmetry and integrability of equations of mathematical physics, Inst. Mathematics of National
Akad. Science of Ukraine, Kiev, 2006, V. 3, N 2, 284-292. (pdf)
Lahno V.I., Spichak S.V. Preliminary group classification of quasi-linear elliptic type equations, in Proceedings of International Conference ``Modern methods in physical-mathematical sciences''
(9-14 October, 2006, Orel), Editor A.G. Meshkov, Orel State university, 2006,
V.1, 79-83 (in Russian).
Lahno V.I., Spichak S.V., Stognii V.I. Symmetry
analysis of evolution type equations, Moscow - Izhevsk, RCD, 2004,
392 p. (in Russian, revised and exented version).
Spichak S.V., Invariance of Maxwell's Equations under
Nonlinear Representations of Poincar\'e Algebra, in Proceedings of Fifth
International Conference ``Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics''
(23-29 June, 2003, Kyiv), Editors A.G. Nikitin, V.M. Boyko, R.O. Popovych
and I.A. Yehorchenko, Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv, 2004,
V.50, Part 2, 961-964 [pdf].
Lahno V.I., Spichak S.V., Stognii V.I. Symmetry analysis
of evolution type equations, Kyiv, Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine,
2002, 360 p. (in Ukrainian) (you can download here ps
and pdf).
Spichak S.V. On multi-parameter families of Hermitian
exactly solvable matrix Schrödinger models, Symmetry in nonlinear
mathematical physics, Part 1, 2, Proceedings of Inst. Mathematics of National
Akad. Science of Ukraine (Kiev, 2001), 2002, V. 43, 688-690 (pdf).
Abramenko A.O., Spichak S.V. On new classes of Hermitian
exactly solvable matrix Schrödinger operators, Mat. Stud.,
2001, V. 15, N 1, 44-56 (in Ukrainian).
Abramenko A.O., Spichak S.V. Multiparameter families
of Hermitian exactly solvable matrix Schrödinger models, Group
and analytic methods in mathematical physics, Proceedings of Inst. Mathematics
of National Akad. Science of Ukraine, Kiev, 2001, V. 36, 12-24 (in
Ukrainian). (pdf)
Spichak S.V., Stognii V.I. One-dimensional Fokker-Planck
equation invariant under four- and six-parametrical group, Symmetry
in nonlinear mathematical physics, Part 1, 2, Proceedings of the Conference
of Inst. Mathematics of National Akad. Science of Ukraine, Kiev (1999),
2000, V. 30, Part 1, 204-209 (pdf).
Spichak S.V., Stognii V.I. Symmetric classification
of the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation with arbitrary
drift and diffusion coefficients, Nonlinear oscillations, 1999,
V. 2, N 3, 401-413 (in Russian).
Spichak S.V. Quasi-exactly solvable 2x2 matrix Schrödinger
models, Proceedings of the XXX Symposium on Mathematical Physics (Torun,
1998). Rep. Math. Phys., 1999, V. 44, no. 1-2, 215-220.
Spichak S.V., Stognii V.I. Symmetry classification
and exact solutions of the one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation with
arbitrary coefficients of drift and diffusion, J. Phys. A, 1999,
V. 32, N 47, 8341-8353.
Spichak S.V., Zhdanov R.Z. On algebraic classification
of Hermitian quasi-exactly solvable matrix Schrödinger operators on
line, J. Phys. A, 1999, V. 32, N 20, 3815-3831 (see math-ph/9812001).
Spichak S.V., Stognii V.I. Symmetry classification
and exact solutions of the Kramers equation, J. Math. Phys., 1998, V.
39, N 6, 3505-3510.
Spichak S.V. Invariance of the Maxwell equations with
respect to nonlinear representations of the Poincaré algebra, Symmetry
and analytic methods in mathematical physics, Inst. Mathematics of National
Akad. Science of Ukraine, Kiev, 1998, V. 19, 221-225 (in
Russian). (pdf)
Spichak S.V., Stogny V.I. Symmetry analysis of the
Kramers equation, Rep. Math. Phys., 1997, V. 40, N 1, 125-130.
Spichak S.V., Stognii V.I. Conditional symmetry and
exact solutions of the Kramers equation, Symmetry in nonlinear mathematical
physics, Vol. 1, 2 (Kiev), 1997, 450-454 (pdf).
Spichak S.V. On the Poincaré-invariant second-order
partial equations for a spinor field, J. Nonlinear Math. Phys.,
1996, V. 3, no. 1-2, 156-159 (pdf).
Shtelen W.M., Spichak S.V. Lie and Q-conditional symmetry
and exact solutions of local Wilson renormalization group equation, Symmetry
analysis of equations of mathematical physics, Acad. Sci. Ukraine, Inst.
Math., Kiev, 1992, 50-54.
Fushchich W.I., Shtelen W.M. and Spichak S.V. On the
connection between solutions of Dirac and Maxwell equations, dual Poincaré
invariance and superalgebras of invariance and solutions of nonlinear Dirac
equations, J. Phys. A, 1991, V. 24, N 8, 1683-1698 (pdf).
Fushchich V.I., Shtelen V.M. and Spichak S.V. On a
connection between solutions of Dirac and Maxwell equations. Supersymmetry
of the Dirac equation, Reports of Akad. Science of Ukrain SSR, Ser.
A , 1990, V. 87, N 3, 36-40 (in Russian) (pdf).
Spichak S.V., Vector representation of the Poincaré
algebra and exact solution of the Dirac equation, Algebra-theoretic
analysis of equations in mathematical physics (in Russian), Akad. of Science
of Ukraine SSR, Institute of Mathematics, Kiev, 1990, 70-73.
Spichak S.V. A new second-order conformally invariant
equation for a spinor field, Symmetry and solutions of equations of
mathematical physics, Akad. of Science of Ukrain. SSR, Inst. Mathematics,
Kiev, 1989, 79-81 (in Russian).
Shtelen V.M., Spichak S.V. On the invariance of the
Dirac equation with respect to different representations of the Poincaré
Symmetry and solutions of equations of mathematical physics,
Akad. of Science of Ukrain. SSR, Inst. Mathematics, Kiev, 1989, 114-118
(in Russian).