Semenova (Lebedeva) Evgeniya Viktorovna

Semenova (Lebedeva) Evgeniya Viktorovna


    Solodkiĭ, S. G.; Semenova, Ē. V. Approximation and information aspects of the numerical solution of unstable integral and pseudodifferential equations. (Ukrainian) Ukraïn. Mat. Zh. 70 (2018), no. 3, 429–444.

    Pereverzyev S., Semenova E.V., Tkachenko P. Regularized Quadrature Methods for Fredholm Integral Equations of the First Kind //
    In book: Contemporary Computational Mathematics - A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan,2018, pp.1017-1034

    Solodky, Sergii G.; Myleiko, Ganna L. SemenovaE.V. Complexity estimates for severely ill-posed problems under a posteriori selection of regularization parameter //
    Math. Model. Anal. 22 (2017), no. 3, 283–299

    Semenova E.V., Erb W. On adaptive discretization schemes for the solution of ill-posed problems with semiiterative methods // Applicable Analysis --- 2015. --- V. 94, N 10. ---P. 2057-2076

    Solodky S.G., Semenova E.V. About minimal informational efforts by solving exponentially ill-posed problems //Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. --- 2015. ---{\bf 119}, N2. ~---P. 90-100.

    Semenova E.V. Arithmetical complexity of modified fully
    discrete projection method for the periodic integral equations //
    Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. --- 2015. ---{\bf 119}, N2. ~---P.60-77.

    Solodky S.G., Semenova E.V.
    On accuracy of solving Symm's equation by a fully discrete projection method //
    Journal of Inverse and III-posed Problems ~-- 2013. ~-- {\bf 21}. ~---P. 781-797

    Solodky S.G., Semenova E.V. On the optimal order of accuracy of an approximate solution to the Symm's integral equation //
    Zhurnal Vychislitel'noi Matematiki i Matematicheskoi Fiziki 52 (3), 472-482

    Semenova E.V. Lavrentiev regularization and balancing principle for solving monotone ill-posed problem // Computation Method and Applied Mathematic. --2010. - V. 10, no 4. --

    Solodky S. G., Lebedeva E. V. On reduction of informational expenses at solving ill-posed problems with not exactly given coefficients // Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems -- 2008. -- V. 6, no 1. -- P. 87--93.

    Lebedēva, Ē. V. On convergence conditions for a class of methods for solving ill-posed problems.(Ukrainian) // Ukraïn. Mat. Zh. 60 (2008), no. 6, 843--850

    Semenova E.V. Fixed-point iteration method for Lavrentiev regularization in solving nonlinear ill-posed problems (Russian).// Din. Sist., Simferopol’ 28, 113–122 (2010).

    Solodky S. G., Lebedeva E. V. An algorithm with optimal convergence rate for solving Fredholm equations of the first kind (Russian) // Numerical methods and Programming - 2006. - V. 7, no 6. --

    Solodky S. G., Lebedeva E. V. Bounds of
    information expenses in constructing projection methods for solving
    ill-posed problems// Comp. Method Appl. Math. -- 2006. -- V. 6, no 1. -- P. 87--93.

    Solodky S. G., Lebedeva E. V. Error bounds of a fully discrete projection method for Symm's integral equation // Comp. Method Appl. Math. -- 2007.
    -- V. 7, no 3. -- P. 255--263.

    Lebedeva, E. V.; Solodkiĭ, S. G. On the approximation of finite-interval equations by piecewise-constant functions. (Russian) // Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz. 48 (2008), no. 5, 731--745; translation in Comput. Math. Math. Phys. 48 (2008), no. 5, 693–706

    Solodkiĭ, S. G.; Lebedeva, E. V. On piecewise-constant discretization in the method of finite intervals. (Russian) // Dokl. Akad. Nauk 416 (2007), no. 1, 36--39; translation in Dokl. Math. 76 (2007), no. 2, 786–789

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