Denega Iryna

Denega Iryna


    1. Denega I. V. Some extremal problems on non-overlapping domains with free poles / I. V. Denega // Bulletin de la société des sciences et des lettres de Łódź, Recherches sur les déformations. – 2011. – V. LXI, no. 3. – P.103 – 114.

    2. Bakhtin ΐ. Κ. Inequalities in problems on non-overlapping domains / ΐ. Κ. Bakhtin, G. P. Bakhtina, I. V. Denega // arXiv:1108.2383 [math. CV] 11 Aug 2011.

    3. A. Bakhtin and I. Denega. Addendum to a theorem on extremal decomposition of the complex plane. Bulletin de la société des sciences et des lettres de Łódź, Recherches sur les déformations. - 2012. – V. LXII, no. 2. – P.83 – 92.

    4. I. Denega. Generalization of some extremal problems on non-overlapping domains with free poles. Annales universitatis Mariae Curie-Skladovska, Lublin-Polonia. - 2013. - V. LXVII, no. 1. - P. 11 - 22.

    5. A. K. Bakhtin, G. P. Bakhtina, I. V. Denega. Estimates of product of inner radii of mutually non-overlapping domains in multidimensional complex spaces // arXiv:1207.4893v1 [math.CV], Submitted on 20 Jul 2012.

    6. G. Bakhtina, I. Dvorak, I. Denega. Problems on extremal decomposition of the complex plane//arXiv:1505.06435v1 [math.CV], Submitted on 24 May 2015.

    7. A. Bakhtin, I. Dvorak and I. Denega. Separating transformation and extremal decomposition of the complex plane // Bulletin de la societe des sciences et des lettres de Lodz, Recherches sur les deformations. - 2016. - V. LXVI, no.2, pp. 13-20.

    8. Aleksandr K. Bakhtin, Liudmyla V. Vygivska, Iryna V. Denega. Inequalities for the internal radii of non-overlapping domains // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 220, No. 5, February, 2017, P. 584 - 590.

    9. I.V. Denega & Ya.V. Zabolotnii. Estimates of products of inner radii of non-overlapping domains in the complex plane // Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Feb 2017,

    10. A. Bakhtin, L.Vygivska, and I. Denega. N-Radial Systems of Points and Problems for Non-Overlapping Domains // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2017, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 229–235.

    11. Irina V. Denega, Yaroslav V. Zabolotnyi. Problem of nonoverlapping polycylindrical domains with poleson the boundary of a polydisk // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 227, No. 1, November, 2017, P. 26–32.

    12. Y. Zabolotnyi and I. Denega, "On Conformal Radii of Non-Overlapping Simply Connected Domains", International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics, Vol. 11, pp. 1-7, 2018.

    13. Iryna V. Denega, Bogdan A. Klishchuk. To the problem of extremal partition of the complex plane, Journal of Mathematical Sciences. - 2018. - 234, 1. - pp. 472–480.

    14. A. Bakhtin, L. Vyhivska, and I. Denega, Inequality for the inner radii of symmetric non-overlapping domains // Bulletin de la societé des sciences et des lettres de Lódź. Recherches sur les d eformations, 2018, vol. 68, no. 2, P. 37-44.

    15. A.K. Bakhtin, I.V. Denega. SHARP ESTIMATES OF PRODUCTS OF INNER RADII OF NON-OVERLAPPING DOMAINS IN THE COMPLEX PLANE // Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. Vol. 8 (26), No 1, 2019.

    16. Iryna Denega and Yaroslav Zabolotnii. Problem on extremal decomposition of the complex plane // An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta, 2019, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 61-77.

    17. Yaroslav Zabolotnii, Iryna Denega. Extremal decomposition of multidimensional complex space for five domains // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2019, Vol. 241, Issue 1, pp. 101–108.

    18. Denega I. Problem on extremal decomposition of the complex plane // Bulletin de la societé des sciences et des lettres de Lódź. Recherches sur les deformations, 2018, vol. 68, no. 3.

    19. Denega I. Estimates of the inner radii of non-overlapping domains, J. Math. Sci., 2019, V. 242, No. 6, pp. 787–795.

    20. Bakhtin A.K., Denega I.V. Inequalities for the inner radii of nonorevlapping domains // Ukr. Mat. Zh. - 2019. - 71, Ή 7. - pp. 996-1002.

    21. A.K. Bakhtin, I.V. Denega. Weakened problem on extremal decomposition of the complex plane // Matematychni Studii. 2019, V.51, No.1, pp. 35 - 40.

    22. Bakhtin A.K., Denega I.V. Extremal decomposition of the complex plane with free poles // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2020, V. 246, No. 1, 1-17.

    23. Bakhtin A.K., Denega I.V. Extremal decomposition of the complex plane with free poles II // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2020, V. 246, No. 5, 602-616.

    24. Denega I.V. Estimate of maximum of the products of inner radii of non-overlapping domains // Probl. Anal. Issues Anal., 2020, V. 9(27), No. 1, 60-65.

    25. Denega I. Extremal decomposition of the complex plane for $n$-radial system of points // Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, Special Issue Dedicated to the 67th Birth Anniversary of Prof. M. Mursaleen. - 2021. - P. 64-74.

    26. Bakhtin A.K., Vyhivska L.V., Denega I.V. Problem of extreme decomposition for a complex plane with free poles on a circle // Ukr. Math. J. - 2021. - 72, No. 12. - P. 1847-1871.

    27. Zabolotnii Ya., Denega I. About one problem on extremal decomposition. Probl. Anal. Issues Anal. Vol. 10 (28), No 3, 2021, pp. 141–150.

    28. Ya. V. Zabolotnii, I. V. Denega, “An extremal problem on non-overlapping domains containing ellipse points”, Eurasian Math. J., 12:4 (2021), 82–91.

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