Pokutnyi Oleksander Oleksiyovich
Curriculum vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Ãåîìåòðè÷íà äèíàì³êà ñèñòåì ç äèñêðåòíèì ÷àñîì.
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Sep 2014 - March 2017 Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Differential equations
Date of defense: 7.03.2017
Dissertation title: Normally-resolvable boundary value problems for operator-differential equations
Expected duration: 3 years
Actual duration: 2 years 7 months
Consultant: Professor, correspondent member of NAS of Ukraine Boichuk A. A.
Sep 2014 Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Postdoctoral in mathematics, Differential equations
Expected duration: 2 years
Nov 2006 – Sep 2009 Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
PhD in mathematics, Differential equations
Diploma was issued:16.12.2009
Date of defense: 22.09.2009
Dissertation title: Solutions of differential equations in Banach space bounded on the entire real axis
Expected duration: 3 years
Actual duration: 2 years and 10 months
Supervisor: Professor Boichuk A. A.
Sep 2005 – Jun 2007 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Cybernetics, Department of Numerical Mathematics
Master in computer sciences
Diploma was issued: 20.06.2007
Expected duration: 2 years
Actual duration: 2 years
Sep 2005 – Jun 2006 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Department of Differential Equations
Specialist in mathematics
Diploma was issued: 21.06.2006
Expected duration: 1 year
Actual duration: 1 year
Sep 2001 – Jun 2005 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Cybernetics, Department of Numerical Mathematics
Bachelor in computer sciences
Diploma was issued: 25.06.2005
Expected duration: 4 years
Actual duration: 4 years
Sep 2001 – June 2005 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Department of Differential Equations
Bachelor in mathematics
Diploma was issued: 30.06.2005
Expected duration: 4 years
Actual duration: 4 years
Curriculum Vitae
Ãåîìåòðè÷íà äèíàì³êà ñèñòåì ç äèñêðåòíèì ÷àñîì.
Ïèòàííÿ íà ³ñïèò Ãåîìåòðè÷íà äèíàì³êà
Êðàéîâ³ çàäà÷³ äëÿ îïåðàòîðíî-äèôåðåíö³àëüíèõ ð³âíÿíü
Ïèòàííÿ íà ³ñïèò Êðàéîâ³ çàäà÷³
Sep 2014 - March 2017 Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Differential equations
Date of defense: 7.03.2017
Dissertation title: Normally-resolvable boundary value problems for operator-differential equations
Expected duration: 3 years
Actual duration: 2 years 7 months
Consultant: Professor, correspondent member of NAS of Ukraine Boichuk A. A.
Sep 2014 Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Postdoctoral in mathematics, Differential equations
Expected duration: 2 years
Nov 2006 – Sep 2009 Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
PhD in mathematics, Differential equations
Diploma was issued:16.12.2009
Date of defense: 22.09.2009
Dissertation title: Solutions of differential equations in Banach space bounded on the entire real axis
Expected duration: 3 years
Actual duration: 2 years and 10 months
Supervisor: Professor Boichuk A. A.
Sep 2005 – Jun 2007 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Cybernetics, Department of Numerical Mathematics
Master in computer sciences
Diploma was issued: 20.06.2007
Expected duration: 2 years
Actual duration: 2 years
Sep 2005 – Jun 2006 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Department of Differential Equations
Specialist in mathematics
Diploma was issued: 21.06.2006
Expected duration: 1 year
Actual duration: 1 year
Sep 2001 – Jun 2005 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Cybernetics, Department of Numerical Mathematics
Bachelor in computer sciences
Diploma was issued: 25.06.2005
Expected duration: 4 years
Actual duration: 4 years
Sep 2001 – June 2005 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics,
Department of Differential Equations
Bachelor in mathematics
Diploma was issued: 30.06.2005
Expected duration: 4 years
Actual duration: 4 years
Solutions of differential equations in Banach space bounded on the entire real axis (2009).
Normally-resolvable boundary value problems for operator-differential equations (2017)
Normally-resolvable boundary value problems for operator-differential equations (2017)
Research interests
Differential equations: Linear and nonlinear boundary value problems for differential and difference equations in Banach and locally convex spaces (exponential dichotomy and bounded solutions), nonlinear oscillations, impulse systems, game theory.
Applied functional analysis: a priori estimates for equations of mathematical physics, an operator theory, differential equations with delay, viscosity solutions, theory of semi-groups.
Optimization: controllability of differential equations, ergodic theory, maximum principle.
Applied functional analysis: a priori estimates for equations of mathematical physics, an operator theory, differential equations with delay, viscosity solutions, theory of semi-groups.
Optimization: controllability of differential equations, ergodic theory, maximum principle.
Senior research assistant
Mar 2014, Laboratory of boundary value problems of Department of differential equations and oscillation theory, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine.
Research assistant
Apr 2011 – Feb 2014, Laboratory of boundary value problems of Department of differential equations and oscillation theory, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine.
Junior research assistant
Oct 2009 – Apr 2011, Laboratory of boundary value problems of Department of differential equations and oscillation theory, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine.
Teaching Experience:
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2015-2016, Numerical methods, at Faculty of Infromation Technology
2015-2016, Calculus, at Faculty of Infromation Technology
2015-2016, Linear Algebra and analytical geometry, at Faculty of Information Technology
2009, Algebra at Faculty of chemistry.
2008 – 2009, Calculus, at Faculty of computer sciences.
2008, Algebra at Faculty of chemistry.
2007, Numerical methods of mathematical physics at Faculty of cybernetics.
2007, Numerical methods of applied mathematics at Faculty of cybernetics.
State University of Telecommunications
2015, Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Mar 2014, Laboratory of boundary value problems of Department of differential equations and oscillation theory, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine.
Research assistant
Apr 2011 – Feb 2014, Laboratory of boundary value problems of Department of differential equations and oscillation theory, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine.
Junior research assistant
Oct 2009 – Apr 2011, Laboratory of boundary value problems of Department of differential equations and oscillation theory, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Science, Kiev, Ukraine.
Teaching Experience:
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
2015-2016, Numerical methods, at Faculty of Infromation Technology
2015-2016, Calculus, at Faculty of Infromation Technology
2015-2016, Linear Algebra and analytical geometry, at Faculty of Information Technology
2009, Algebra at Faculty of chemistry.
2008 – 2009, Calculus, at Faculty of computer sciences.
2008, Algebra at Faculty of chemistry.
2007, Numerical methods of mathematical physics at Faculty of cybernetics.
2007, Numerical methods of applied mathematics at Faculty of cybernetics.
State University of Telecommunications
2015, Probability theory and mathematical statistics
Talks on conferences
1. "Turing bifurcation for boundary value chemical problems", Third conference
“Mathematics for life sciences”, Rivne, September 15-19, 2015,p.33-34.
2. "Bounded solutions of operator Riccati equation", Òåçè äîïîâ³äåé;
ì³æíàðîäíà êîíôåðåíö³ÿ ìîëîäèõ ìàòåìàòèê³â, 3-6 ÷åðâíÿ, Êè¿â, 2015. - ñòîð.129
1. "Bounded solutions of boundary value problems in Hilbert space", Humboldt Kolleg “Education and science and their role in social and industrial progress of society”, June 12-15, Kyiv, 2014, p.42-43.
1. "Investigation of the solvability of differential-algebraic equations using perturbation theory", with Boichuk A. A., Chystyakov V. F., XVI International Conference "Dynamical System Modelling and Stability Investigation", Kiev, Ukraine, May 29-31, 2013. Book of abstracts. — p. 73.
2. "Investigation of the solvability of weakly-nonlinear differential-algebraic equations", with Perepelitsa M. A., XVI International Conference "Dynamical System Modelling and Stability Investigation", Kiev, Ukraine, May 29-31, 2013, Book of abstracts. — p. 120.
3. "Bounded solutions of differential equations with unbounded operator in Frechet space", with Boichuk A. A., International mathematical conference "Bogolyubov readings DIF-2013. Differential equations, theory of functions and their applications" on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of academician A. M. Samoilenko, Sevastopol, Ukraine, June 23-30, 2013, Abstracts. — p. 32.
4. "Representation of solutions of boundary value problems of Schrdinger equation in the Hilbert space", International mathematical conference "Bogolyubov readings DIF-2013. Differential equations, theory of functions and their applications" on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of academician A. M. Samoilenko, Sevastopol, Ukraine, June 23-20, 2013, Abstracts. — p. 161-162.
5. "Operator differential equations in Frechet space", 2nd EUMLS Conference "Mathematics for Life Sciences", Olenivka, Crimea, Ukraine, September 5-10, 2013, Abstracts. — p. 24-25.
6. "The control theory of irreversible evolution processes in the Hilbert space", International conference "Glushkov readings" on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of academician V.M.Glushkov, Kiev, Ukraine, September 10-11, 2013, Abstracts. — p. 175-177.
7. "The implicit function theorem Nash-Moser type in Frechet spaces", Crimea International mathematical Conference (CIMC-2013), Sudak, Ukraine, September 22 - October 4, 2013, Book of Abstracts. — p.76-77.
1. "Exponential dichotomy and bifurcation of bounded solutions of differential equations in the Banach space", Voronezh Spring Mathematical School "Pontryagin readings - XXIII". — 2012. — p. 151-152.
2. "Bifurcation theory of Hill’s equation in the Hilbert space", 2nd International conference on memory of corresponding member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine Valery Sergeevich Melnik, Ukraine, Kyiv, 4-6 April, 2012. — p. 83.
3. "Bounded and periodic solutions of Schrödinger’s equation", with Boichuk A. A., International Conference KROMSH-2012. The twenty third Crimea Autumn Mathematical School, Crimea, Laspi-Batiliman, September 17-29, 2012,Book of Abstracts, p. 77-78.
6. "Bifurcation theory of bunded and periodic solutions of Schrodinger equation", International conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Stefan Banach. Abstracts of Reports, Lviv, Ukraine, 17-21, September. P. 221-222.
7. "Boundary value problems for the Schrodinger equation in the Hilbert space", International Conference "Analysis and singularities" dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Vladimir Igorevich Arnold, Moscow, Russia, December 17-21, Abstracts, 2012. — p. 89-90.
1. "Chaotic maps in cybernetics", 4th Chaotic Modelling and Simulation International Conference, Book of Abstracts, May 31 - June 3, 2011, Agios Nikolaos, Crete Greece. — p. 114-115.
2. "Boundary value problem in Banach space with periodic operational coefficients", with Boichuk A. A., XVII International Conference "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2011)", Abstracts, May 23-27, 2011, Skhidnytsya, Ukraine. — P. 37.
1. "Mathematical models in cybernetics", with B. A. Biletskyy, XVI International Conference "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2010)", Abstracts, October 4-8, 2010, Yalta, Ukraine. — P. 163.
2. "New formulas for finding matrix generalized inverse", XVI International Conference "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2010)", Abstracts, October 4-8, 2010, Yalta, Ukraine. — P. 116.
3. "Ergodic theory and periodic difference equations in Banach space", International Conference "Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications (CDDEA-2010)", Slovak Republic. 2010.
1. "Controllability of evolutionary Sobolev-Galpern’s equations with pure delay", with Semenov V. V., International Workshop "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2009)", Abstracts, October 5-9, 2009, Kamyanets-Podilsky, Ukraine. — P. 96-97.
2. "Solutions of evolutionary equations Sobolev-Galpern’s type with pure delay", with Semenov V. V., III International conference "Computational and applied mathematics" (in honour of academician I. I. Lyashko), Ukraine, Kiev, September 11-12,2009. — p. 57.
3. "Bounded solutions of weakly nonlinear differential equations in Banach space with unbounded linear part", International Conference "Nonlinear Analysis and Applications". Book of Abstracts. April, 2-4, Kyiv, 2009. — P. 43.
4. "Approximation of bounded solutions of linear differential equations in Banach space", International Conference "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2009)", Abstracts, April 27-30, 2009, Skhidnytsia, Ukraine. — P. 151.
1. "Evolutionary equations: exponential dichotomy and bounded solutions", "Problems of Decision Making under Uncertainties (PDMU-2008)", Crimea (Novy Svit), Ukraine. — 2008. — P. 105.
2. "Boundary Value Problem in Banach Space", International Conference "Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications (CDDEA-2008)", Strechno, Slovak Republic, 2008. — P. 44-45.
3. "A family of bounded solutions of weakly nonlinear differential equations in Banach space", Bogolyubov readings; International scientific conference, differential equations, theory of functions and their applications; on occasion of the 70-th birthday of academician A. M. Samoilenko, Melitopol, Ukraine, 2008.
1. " ρ-parametric family solutions of linear weakly perturbed differential equations in Banach space bounded on the entire real axis", with Boichuk A. A., Eighth Colloquium on the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, Szeged, Hungary. 2007.
2. "Bounded solutions of weakly nonlinear differential equations in Banach space", International Conference "Dynamical System Modelling and Stability Investigation" (Thesis of conference reports). Kyiv. 2007. — P. 154.
1. "Bounded Solutions of Linear Weakly Perturbed Differential Equations in Banach Space", International Conference "Conference on Differential and Difference Equations and Applications (CDDEA-2006)", Zilina. Slovak Republic. 2006. — P. 40-41.
1. Stipend of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2014).
2. Award of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2014).
3. Grant of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2015).
Project Manager "Development of methods for solving of boundary value problems for operator-differential systems which model the physical, technical and biological problem"
4. 2008, Grant of the Slovak Republic ”National Scholarship Programme” of the Slovak Republic, Zilina University
Title of research: Existence of bounded solutions of differential equations
in Banach space
5. 2006, Taras Shevchenko’s prize of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for the best student’s scientific work, Kiev, Ukraine
6. 2005 - 2006, Winner of the whole-Ukrainian student’s competition of research work in the direction of "Mathematical Sciences Donetsk, Ukraine
7. 2001, Winner of the whole-Ukrainian universiade "Intellectual of the twenty first century", Kiev, Ukraine
8. Visit to the USA ( university of Maryland 2014, 2015 y.)
(Kaloshin V.)
9. Visit to the USA (New York university of Courant, 2015 y.)
(Misiats O.)
1. Stipend of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2014).
2. Award of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2014).
3. Grant of the President of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2015).
Project Manager "Development of methods for solving of boundary value problems for operator-differential systems which model the physical, technical and biological problem"
4. 2008, Grant of the Slovak Republic ”National Scholarship Programme” of the Slovak Republic, Zilina University
Title of research: Existence of bounded solutions of differential equations
in Banach space
5. 2006, Taras Shevchenko’s prize of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for the best student’s scientific work, Kiev, Ukraine
6. 2005 - 2006, Winner of the whole-Ukrainian student’s competition of research work in the direction of "Mathematical Sciences Donetsk, Ukraine
7. 2001, Winner of the whole-Ukrainian universiade "Intellectual of the twenty first century", Kiev, Ukraine
8. Visit to the USA ( university of Maryland 2014, 2015 y.)
(Kaloshin V.)
9. Visit to the USA (New York university of Courant, 2015 y.)
(Misiats O.)