Kuznyetsov Vasyl Oleksijovuch

Kuznyetsov Vasyl Oleksijovuch


    2005-2011 - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,
    2011-2014 - Post graduate course in the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine


      Candidate of Sciences in Mathematics Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv, 2017.

      "Geometrical properties of stochastic flows"
      head of the Department of the theory of stochastic processes of the
      Institute of Mathematics; doctor of science in mathematics, professor

      Research interests

        Geometry of stochastic flows


          since 2014 - Junior researcher Department of the theory of stochastic processes
          Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine

          Talks on conferences

            - 3rd Ukrainian conference ``Modern problems of probability theory and mathematical analysis'', Vorohta, 2013.

            - 20th International conference of young scientists ``Lomonosov-2013'', Moscow, 2013.

            - 11th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, 2014.

            - Yu.V.Linnik Centennial Conference
            ``Analytical methods in number theory,
            probability theory and mathematical statistics'',
            St.Petersburg, 2015.

            - International conference ``Stochastic processes in abstract spaces'', Kyiv,
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