Satur Oksana

Satur Oksana


    National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, master's degree (2017)


      Doctor of Philosophy "Analysis of trajectories behavior in models of complex
      dynamical systems with attractive interaction", Kyiv, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2021)

      Research interests

        Theory of dynamical conflict systems.

        Mathematical models of dynamical systems with repulsive and attractive conflict interaction.


          - Chief Software Engineer, Differential equations and oscillation theory Department, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2018-2020).

          - Junior researcher, Mathematical physics Department, Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, from 2021.

          Talks on conferences

            1. Satur O. Convergence to an equilibrium attractor in models of dynamic conflict systems with attractive interaction // Digital Theme UK-Ukraine Research Twinning Conference, March, 27–30, 2023, Talk.

            2. Satur O.R. Existence of fixed points in models of dynamic conflict systems with attractive interaction// International Conference of Young Mathematicians The Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine June 1–3, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine, Theses, Talk.

            3. Satur O.R. Dynamics of conflict interaction in terms of minimal players // Contemporary problems of mechanics and mathematics - 2023: collection of scientific works [Electronic resource] // Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2023. – P. 363-364.

            4. Satur O. Dynamics of conflict interaction in terms of minimal players // Mathematics and information technologies. International materials of the scientific conference dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, September 28–30, 2023 – Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University. University, 2023, P. 123–124.

            5. Satur O. Dynamics of conflict interaction in terms of minimal players // Workshop “Complex Dynamical Systems: Theory, Mathematical Modelling, Computing, and Application”, Kyiv, October, 2-4, 2023.

            6. Satur O.R. The emergence of limit cycles in models of dynamic conflict systems // Collection of abstracts of the International Conference of Young Mathematicians, June 3-5, 2021, Kyiv, P. 71.

            7. Satur O. Point spectrum in conflict dynamical systems with attractive interaction // Conference of young scientists "Pidstrygachy readings - 2021" May 26-28, 2021, Lviv.

            8. Kharchenko N.V., Satur O.R. Dynamic model of opinion formation // 8th International Scientific Conference "Modern Problems of Mathematical Modeling, Forecasting, and Optimization". – Kamianets-Podilskyi, 2018. – P. 8–9.

            9. Kharchenko N.V., Satur O.R. Opinion dynamics on a network // Internation conference “Modern Stochastics: theory and application. IV”. – Kyiv, 2018. – P. 31.

            10. Satur O.R. The sure event problem in multicomponent dynamical systems with attractive interaction // International conference of young mathematicians – Kyiv, 2019. – P. 40.

            11. Satur O.R. Dynamical picture of biological populations with attractive and repulsive interaction // III International scientific and practical conference “Modeling, control, and information technologies”. – Rivne, 2019. – P. 69–71.

            12. Satur O. R. Dynamics of conflict interaction in terms maximum values // XIX International Scientific Mykhailo Kravchuk Conference, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, 11 – 12 October 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine: Abstracts. Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, P. 55 –56.

            13. Koshmanenko V., Karatayeva T., Satur O. Equilibrium state as a compromise in the struggle of opponents. Modeling, Control and Information Technologies: Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2023, (6), P. 65–66.


              Member of the Council of Young Scientists of Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, from 2023.

              - Holder of a fellowship of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for young scientists (November 2021 - October 2023).
              - Стипендія Президента України для молодих вчених (листопад 2023 – т.ч.)
              - Премія Верховної Ради України молодим ученим за 2022 рік за роботу "Алгебраїчні та аналітичні методи в теорії диференціальних рівнянь і динамічних систем" (колектив Ванєєва О.О., Атласюк О.М., Сатур О.Р.)
              - Премія імені Ярослава Степановича Підстригача для молодих науковців за напрямком «Математика» за результатами конференції молодих вчених «Підстригачівські читання - 2024»

              Participation in grant projects:

              1. Grant project for young scientists: "Algebraic and analytical methods in the theory of differential equations with partial derivatives"; (state registration number 0121U110543) – 2021-2022, the head is Olena Oleksandrivna Vaneeva, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

              2. Project of the National Research Fund of Ukraine 2020.02/0089: "Complex dynamic systems in natural sciences: theory, mathematical modeling, numerical methods and application to advanced technologies"; (state registration number 0120U104004), 2020-2023, the head is Tymoha Oleksandr Mykolayovych, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.
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