Chapovskyi Yevhenii

Chapovskyi Yevhenii


    Bedratyuk, L., Petravchuk, A., Chapovskyi, E. Centralizers of Linear and Locally Nilpotent Derivations. Ukr Math J 75, 1190–1202 (2024).

    Chapovskyi, Y., Efimov, D., Petravchuk, A.: Centralizers of elements in Lie
    algebras of vector fields with polynomial coefficients. Proceedings of the
    International Geometry Center 14 (4), 257-270 (2022).

    Chapovskyi, Y. Y., Maschenko, L. Z., Petravchuk, A.P.: Nilpotent Lie algebras
    of derivations with the center of small corank. Carpathian Math. Publ. 12(1),
    189-198 (2020).

    Chapovskyi, Y. Y., Efimov, D. I., Petravchuk, A. P.: Solvable Lie algebras of
    derivations of polynomial rings in three variables Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics 16, 7-13 (2018).

    Chapovskyi, Y. Y., Shevchyk O. M.: On divergence and sums of derivations.
    Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 24(1), 54-60 (2017).
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