Gerasimenko Viktor I.

Gerasimenko Viktor I.



    * Mathematical Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics.
    Kiev: Naukova Dumka, 1985, 264p. (in Russian) (with D. Petrina and P. Malyshev).
    * Mathematical Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics. Continuous systems.
    N.Y.: Gordon and Breach Sci. Publ., 1989, 356p. (with D. Petrina)
    ISBN: 2881246818/2-88124-681-8
    * Many-Particle Dynamics and Kinetic Equations.
    The Netherlands: Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1997, 252p. (with C. Cercignani and D. Petrina)
    * Many-Particle Dynamics and Kinetic Equations.
    Second ed. Springer, 2011, 256 p. (with C. Cercignani and D. Petrina) ISBN:9789401155595
    * Many-Particle Dynamics and Kinetic Equations.
    Third ed. Springer, 2012, 255 p. (with C. Cercignani and D. Petrina) ISBN: 978-94-010-6342-5; doi:10.1007/978-94-011-5558-8
    Springer, 2013, ISBN: 978-94-011-5558-8 (eBook)
    * Mathematical Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics. Continuous Systems.
    Second ed. London and N.Y.: Taylor and Francis Sci. Publ., 2002, 352p. (with P. Malyshev and D. Petrina) ISBN: 9780415273541 doi:10.1201/9781482265026
    CRC Press, 2014, ISBN: 9780429178054 (eBook)
    * Mathematical Foundations of Classical Statistical Mechanics.
    Second ed. M: LIBROKOM Publ., 2014, 272p. (in Russian) (with P. Malyshev and D. Petrina)
    ISBN: 978-5-397-04312-0; 978-5-397-04442-4

    Book chapters and review articles

    * A mathematical description of the evolution of states of infinite systems of classical statistical mechanics.
    Russ. Math. Surv. (Uspekhi Mat. Nauk), v.38, No.5, 1983, pp.3-58 (with D. Petrina). DOI:10.1070/RM1983v038n05ABEH003499
    * Thermodynamic and Boltzmann–Grad limits of non-equilibrium states of three-dimensional hard sphere system.
    In: Problems of Modern Statistical Physics, Kiev: Nauk. Dumka, 1985, pp. 228-237 (with D.Ya. Petrina).
    * Evolution of states of infinite systems in classical statistical mechanics.
    Sov. Sci. Rev., sect. C: Math. Phys. Rev., v.5, (Eds. S.P. Novikov, N.Y.: Harwood Acad. Publ.), 1985,
    pp.1-52 (with D. Petrina).
    * Thermodynamic limit of solutions of Bogolyubov's equations.
    Sov. Sci. Rev., sect. C: Math. Phys. Rev., v.7, (Eds. S.P. Novikov, Ya.G. Sinai, N.Y.: Harwood Acad. Publ.), 1988,
    pp.281-337 (with P. Malyshev and D. Petrina).
    * Mathematical problems of statistical mechanics of a hard sphere system.
    Russ. Math. Surv. (Uspekhi Mat. Nauk), v.45, No.3, pp.135-182, 1990 (with D. Petrina). DOI:10.1070/RM1990v045n03ABEH002360
    * Semigroups generated by the dual BBGKY hierarchy.
    In: Quest for Mathematical Physics. Nagpur Univ., v.1, pp.109-118, 1999 (with G. Borgioli).
    * Groups of operators for evolution equations of quantum many-particle systems.
    In: Modern Analysis and Applications. Series: Operator Theory: Advances and Applications. Basel: Birkhaüser Verlag AG, v.191, No.2, pp.333-347, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-7643-9920-7. DOI:10.1007/978-3-7643-9921-4_21
    * Introduction to the theory of evolution equations of quantum many-particle systems. 2011,
    * Hierarchies of quantum evolution equations and dynamics of many-particle correlations.
    In: Statistical Mechanics and Random Walks: Principles, Processes and Applications.
    N.Y.: Nova Science Publ., Inc., 2012, pp.233-288. ISBN: 978-1-61470-966-4.
    * On semigroups of large particle systems and their scaling asymptotic behavior.
    DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-12145-1\10 In: Semigroups of Operators – Theory and Applications. Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. (Eds. J. Banasiak et al.) Springer, v.113, pp.165-182, 2015.
    (with Yu.Yu. Fedchun) ISBN: 978-3-319-12144-4.
    * Kinetic equations of active soft matter. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.70667
    In: Kinetic Theory. London: InTech, 2018, pp.71-88. ISBN: 978-953-51-3802-0.
    * Processes of creation and propagation of correlations in large quantum particle system. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.82836 In: Panorama of Contemporary Quantum Mechanics – Concepts and Applications. London: InTech, 2019, pp.31-47. ISBN: 978-1-83962-665-4.
    * Description of evolution of states in terms of operators originating by density matrix.
    In: Understanding Density Matrices. N.Y.: Nova Science Publ., Inc., 2019, pp.229-250. ISBN: 978-1-53616-245-5.
    * Genius of modern theoretical and mathematical physics. In: Creator of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: to the 110th Anniversary of Academician M.M. Bogolyubov. Kyiv: PH "Akademperiodyka", pp. 13-30, 2019.
    (with A.G. Zagorodny). DOI:10.15407/akademperiodyka.387.532
    * Kinetic equations of granular media. DOI:10.5772/intechopen.90027
    In: Progress in Fine Particle Plasmas. London: InTech, 2020, pp. 163-177. ISBN: 978-1-83880-471-8.
    * Nonlinear kinetic equations of quantum systems.
    In: Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. I. Kyiv: IM, 2020, pp. 82-112. ISSN: 1815-2910.
    * Boltzmann–Grad asymptotic behavior of collisional dynamics.
    Reviews in Math. Phys., v.33, No.2, 2130001 (32 pages), 2021. (with I.V. Gapyak)
    * Advances in theory of evolution equations of many colliding particles.
    In: Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. III. Kyiv: IM, 2023, pp. 729-804. ISSN: 1815-2910. (with I.V. Gapyak) DOI:10.3842/trim.v20n1.528

    Some recent publications

    * Non-perturbative solution of the dual BBGKY hierarchy of hard-sphere fluids.
    Reports of NAS of Ukraine, No.4, pp. 3-10, 2023 (with I.V. Gapyak). DOI:10.15407/dopovidi2023.04.003
    * Advances in theory of evolution equations of many colliding particles.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.20, No.1, pp. 729-804, 2023 (with I.V. Gapyak). DOI:10.3842/trim.v20n1.528
    * Propagation of correlations in a hard-sphere system.
    J. Stat. Phys., v.189, 2 (24 pages), 2022 (with I. Gapyak). DOI:10.1007/s10955-022-02958-8
    * Hierarchy of evolution equations for correlations of hard-sphere fluids.
    Reports of NAS of Ukraine, No.3, pp. 3-12, 2022 (with I.V. Gapyak). DOI:10.15407/dopovidi2022.03.003
    * Towards challenge of propagation of initial correlations in open quantum systems.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.19, No.1, pp. 71-95, 2022.
    * Boltzmann–Grad asymptotic behavior of collisional dynamics.
    Reviews in Math. Phys., v.33, No.2, 2130001 (32 pages), 2021 (with I.V. Gapyak) DOI:10.1142/S0129055X21300016
    * Nonlinear kinetic equations of quantum systems.
    Proceedings Inst. Math. NASU, v.17, No.2, pp. 82-112, 2020.
    * The generalized Fokker–Planck kinetic equation of open quantum systems.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.1, pp.3-9, 2018.
    * Low-density asymptotic behavior of observables of hard sphere fluids.
    Advances in Mathematical Physics, v.2018, Article ID 6252919, 2018 (with I. Gapyak).
    * On the propagation of correlations in quantum systems in a mean field approximation.
    Math. and Computer Modelling, iss.17, pp.5-12, 2018 (with V.V. Krechko).
    * Mean-field asymptotic behavior of solution of quantum BBGKY hierarchy.
    Bulletin of Kyiv Nat. Univ. Math. Mech. , iss.1(39), pp.15-19, 2018 (with V.V. Krechko).
    * The evolution of correlation operators of large particle quantum systems.
    Methods Funct. Anal. Topology, v.23, No.2, pp.123-132, 2017.
    * On propagation of initial correlations in active soft matter.
    Cherkasy Univ. Bulletin: Phys. Math. Sci., No.1, pp.3-12, 2017.
    * On the description of quantum correlations by means of a one-particle density operator.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.14, No.1, pp.116-127, 2017.
    * Processes of creation and propagation of correlations in quantum many-particle systems.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.5, pp.58-66, 2016.
    * On non-perturbative solution of quantum BBGKY hierarchy.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.13, No.2, pp.7-26, 2016 (with V.V. Krechko).
    * New approach to derivation of quantum kinetic equations with initial correlations.
    Carpathian Math. Publ., v.7, No.1, pp.38-48, 2015.
    * The Fokker–Planck equation with initial correlations in collisional kinetic theory.
    Bukovina Math. J., v.3, No.3/4, pp.25-33, 2015 (with I.V. Gapyak).
    * The Boltzmann kinetic equation with correlations for hard sphere fluids.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.3, pp.17-23, 2015 (with A.G. Kornienko).
    * On the non-Markovian Enskog equation for granular gases.
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. , v.47, No.3, 035001 (18pp), 2014 (with M.S. Âorovchenkova).
    * Mean field asymptotic behavior of quantum particles with initial correlations.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.11, No.1, pp.46-66, 2014.
    * The non-Markovian Fokker–Planck kinetic equation for a system of hard spheres.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.12, pp.29-35, 2014 (with I.V. Gapyak).
    * Kinetic equations of soft active matter.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.5, pp.11-18, 2014 (with Yu.Yu. Fedchun).
    * A nonperturbative solution of the nonlinear BBGKY hierarchy for marginal correlation operators.
    Math. Methods Appl. Sci., v.36, No.17, pp.2311-2328, 2013 (with D.O. Polishchuk).
    * On kinetic models for the evolution of many-entity systems in mathematical biology.
    J. Coupled Syst. Multiscale Dyn. , v.1, No.2, pp.273-279, 2013 (with Yu.Yu. Fedchun).
    * On the approaches to the derivation of the Boltzmann equation with hard sphere collisions.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.10, No.2, pp.71-95, 2013.
    * The Boltzmann–Grad limit of the Enskog equation of one-dimensional granular gases.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.10, pp.11-17, 2013 (with M.S. Âorovchenkova).
    * Hard sphere dynamics and the Enskog equation.
    Kinet. Relat. Models, v.5, No.3, pp.459-484, 2012 (with I.V. Gapyak).
    * Mean field asymptotics of generalized quantum kinetic equation.
    Reports on Math. Phys., v.70, No.2, pp.135-147, 2012 (with Zh.A. Tsvir).
    * On quantum kinetic equations of many-particle systems in condensed states.
    Physica A: Stat. Mech. Appl., v.391, No.24, pp.6362-6366, 2012 (with Zh.A. Tsvir).
    * Hierarchies of quantum evolution equations and dynamics of many-particle correlations.
    Int. J. Evol. Equ., v.7, No.2, pp. 109-163, 2012. DOI:10.48550/arXiv.1111.2767
    * The generalized Fokker–Planck equation for the Enskog gas.
    Math. Bull. Sh. Sci. Soc., v.9, pp.23-43, 2012 (with I.V. Gapyak).
    * On the kinetic equations of a one-dimensional granular gas.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.9, No.2, pp.69-86, 2012 (with M.S. Borovchenkova).
    * Nonperturbative solution expansions of hierarchies of evolution equations in functional derivatives.
    Proc. IM NASU, v.9, No.2, pp.347-375, 2012 (with Yu.Yu. Fedchun).
    * The generalized Enskog kinetic equation.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.3, pp.7-13, 2012 (with I.V. Gapyak).
    * Heisenberg picture of quantum kinetic evolution in mean field limit.
    Kinet. Relat. Models, v.4, No.1, pp.385-399, 2011.
    * Dynamics of correlations of Bose and Fermi particles.
    Math. Methods Appl. Sci., v.34, No.1, pp.76-93, 2011 (with D.O. Polishchuk).
    * Hydrodynamic equations for microscopic phase densities.
    Cent. Eur. J. Phys., v.9, No.1, pp.71-77, 2011 (with V.O. Shtyk, A.G. Zagorodny).
    * On the evolution of observables and the Enskog kinetic equation.
    Math. Bull. Sh. Sci. Soc., v.8, pp.286-301, 2011 (with I.V. Gapyak).
    * Quantum generalized kinetic equation.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.4, pp.24-29, 2011 (with Zh.A. Tsvir).
    * Evolution equations of many-particle systems in functional derivatives.
    Bulletin Kyiv Nat. Univ. Math. Mech., iss.26, pp.17-22, 2011 (with Yu.Yu. Fedchun).
    * On evolution equations for marginal correlation operators.
    Math. and Computer Modelling, iss.5, pp.44-60, 2011 (with D.O. Polishchuk).
    * A description of the evolution of quantum states by means of the kinetic equation.
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. , v.43, No.48, 485203 (19pp), 2010 (with Zh.A. Tsvir).
    * Initial-value problem of the quantum dual BBGKY hierarchy.
    Nuovo Cimento C, v.33, No.1, pp.71-78, 2010 (with G. Borgioli).
    * Group of operators of the von Neumann hierarchy.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.10, pp.7-13, 2010 (with D.O. Polishchuk).
    * Generalized quantum kinetic equation for interacting particles with quantum statistics.
    Math. Bull. Sh. Sci. Soc., v.7, pp.351-367, 2010 (with Zh.A. Tsvir).
    * The evolution equations of a system of particles with the dissipative interaction.
    Bulletin Kyiv Nat. Univ. Math. Mech., v.24, pp.21-24, 2010 (with M.S. Borovchenkova, A.G. Bodrova).
    * Groups of operators for evolution equations of quantum many-particle systems.
    Operator Theory: Adv. and Appl., v.191, pp.341-355, 2009.
    * From BBGKY hierarchy to non-Markovian evolution equations.
    Ukr. J. Phys., v.54, No.8-9, pp.795-807, 2009 (with V.O. Shtyk, A.G. Zagorodny).
    * Approaches to derivation of quantum kinetic equations.
    Ukr. J. Phys., v.54, No.8-9, pp.834-846, 2009.
    * Comment on "Equivalence of two approaches for quantum-classical hybrid systems".
    J. Chem. Phys., v.131, No.12, pp.127101-127102, 2009.
    * Bogolyubov's principle of weakening correlations for an infinite system of hard spheres.
    Reports NAS of Ukraine, No.3, pp.7-13, 2008 (with V.O. Shtyk).
    * Evolution of correlations of quantum many-particle systems.
    J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp., P03007, 25p., 2008 (with V.O. Shtyk).

    Some selected publications

    * Statistical mechanics of quantum-classical systems. Nonequilibrium systems.
    Theor. Math. Phys., v.42, No.1, pp. 88–100, 1980 (with D. Petrina).
    * Correlationless equations of motion of quantum-classical systems.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.10, pp.65-68, 1981.
    * Dynamical equations of quantum-classical systems.
    Theor. Math. Phys., v.50, No.1, pp.77-87, 1982.
    * Evolution of infinite particle systems interacting with nearest neighbors.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.5, pp.10-13, 1982.
    * Thermodynamic limit of nonequilibrium states of a three-dimensional hard-sphere system.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. USSR, v.282, No.1, pp. 57-60, 1985 (with D.Ya. Petrina).
    * The Stokes problem inside the domain with fine-grained boundary.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.1, pp. 46-49, 1985 (with M. Stashenko).
    * Thermodynamic limit of nonequilibrium states of a three-dimensional hard-sphere system.
    Theor. Math. Phys., v.64, No.1, pp. 130–149, 1985 (with D.Ya. Petrina).
    * The Boltzmann–Grad limit of states of an infinite hard sphere system.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. USSR, v.297, No.2, pp. 336–340, 1987 (with D.Ya. Petrina).
    * The inverse osmotic distribution functions of the inhomogeneous systems of charged particles.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.11, pp. 43-46, 1987 (with M. Stashenko).
    * The Boltzmann–Grad limit of equilibrium states.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.12, pp. 17-19, 1988 (with D. Petrina).
    * Mathematical problems of the description of aqueous electrolyte-membranes systems.
    Proc. Inst. Math. , pp. 37-49, 1988 (with M. Stashenko).
    * On the Boltzmann–Grad limit theorem.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.11, pp. 12-16, 1989 (with D. Petrina).
    * The existence of the Boltzmann–Grad limit for an infinite hard sphere system.
    Theor. Math. Phys., v.83, No.1, pp. 92-114, 1990 (with D. Petrina).
    * On equations of the motion of one class of quantum-classical systems.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. USSR, v.315, No.1, pp. 75-80, 1990 (with V. Enolski, D. Petrina).
    * On the existence of global in time solution of the Cauchy problem to the Bogolyubov equations.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.9, pp. 41-45, 1991.
    * The method of hydrodynamic potentials in a region with complex boundary.
    Ukrainian Math. J., v.43, No.5, pp. 679–684, 1991 (with M. Stashenko).
    * Bogolyubov equations for the discrete model of a one-dimensional particle system.
    Reports of Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, No.8, pp. 34-38, 1991 (with V. Gorunovich).
    * On the discrete velocity model of the BBGKY hierarchy.
    Proc. Inst. Math.:”Methods of mathematical physics of infinite particle systems” , pp. 44-52, 1991
    (with V. Gorunovich).
    * Nonequilibrium dynamics of a hard rod system.
    Proc. Inst. Math.:”Methods of mathematical physics of infinite particle systems” , pp. 21-30, 1991.
    * On the solutions of the BBGKY hierarchy for a one-dimensional hard sphere system.
    Theor. Math. Phys., v.91, No.1, pp. 120-132, 1992.
    * Many particles dynamical system formulation for the discrete Enskog gas.
    Transp. Theory and Stat. Phys., v.25, No.3/4, pp. 581-592, 1996 (with G. Borgioli, G. Lauro, R. Monaco).
    * On the generalized kinetic equation.
    Reports of NAS of Ukraine, No.7, pp. 7-12, 1997 (with D.Ya. Petrina).
    * A discrete velocity model of a gas: global in time solutions of the BBGKY hierarchy.
    Reports on Math. Phys., v.40, No.3, pp. 431-442, 1997 (with G. Borgioli, G. Lauro, R. Monaco).
    * The generalized kinetic equation generated by the BBGKY hierarchy.
    Ukrainian J. Phys., v.43, No.6/7, pp. 697-702, 1998 (with D.Ya. Petrina).
    * Derivation of a discrete Enskog equation from the dynamics of particles.
    Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Pol. Torino, v.56, (2), pp. 59-69, 1998 (with G. Borgioli, G. Lauro).
    * Evolution of observables and quasiobservables in classical statistical mechanics.
    Condensed Matter Phys. , v.3, No.2(22), pp. 239–264, 2000 (with Yu. Kondratiev, T. Kuna, D. Petrina).
    * The dual BBGKY hierarchy for the evolution of observables.
    Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma, v.4, pp. 251-267, 2001 (with G. Borgioli).
    * Schrodinger-like kinetic equation for classical many-particle systems.
    Bulletin of Kyiv Univer., ser.: Phys. and Math., iss.3, pp. 101–108, 2001 (with S. De Martino, G. Lauro).
    * Cumulant representation of solutions of the BBGKY hierarchy of equations.
    Ukrainian Math. J., v.54, No.10, pp. 1583-1601, 2002 (with T. Ryabukha).
    * Nonequilibrium cluster expansion of non-symmetric particle systems.
    Sci. Bulletin of Volyn Univ., No.4, pp. 5–13, 2002 (with M. Stashenko).
    * On the dual nonequilibrium cluster expansion.
    Reports of NAS of Ukraine, No.3, pp. 16-22, 2003 (with T. Ryabukha).
    * Dual cluster expansions of non-symmetric particle systems.
    Sci. Bulletin of Volyn State Univ., No.11, pp.17–28, 2003 (with M. Stashenko).
    * On the structure of expansions for the BBGKY hierarchy solutions.
    J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., v.37, pp. 9861-9872, 2004 (with T. Ryabukha, M. Stashenko).
    * On the BBGKY hierarchy solutions for many-particle systems with different symmetry properties.
    Proc. Inst. Math. NASU, v.50, No.3, pp. 1308–1313, 2004 (with T. Ryabukha and M. Stashenko).
    * Cumulant expansions for solution of the quantum BBGKY hierarchy.
    Proc. contributed papers ICPP, A014p. 4p. Kyiv: ITP NASU, 2006 (with V.O. Shtyk).
    * Existence criterion of cumulant representation for solution of initial-value problem of quantum BBGKY hierarchy.
    Reports of NAS of Ukraine, No.8, pp. 7-13, 2006 (with V.O. Shtyk).
    * Initial-value problem for the Bogolyubov hierarchy for quantum systems of particles.
    Ukrainian Math. J., v.58, No.9, pp. 1175-1191, 2006 (with V.O. Shtyk).
    * The Cauchy problem for the nonlinear von Neumann hierarchy.
    Proc. Inst. Math. NASU, v.4, No.3, pp. 27-51, 2007 (with V.O. Shtyk).

    Some other publications

    * Kinetic equation. In: "Mathematical physics", Moskow: Big Russian Encyclopaedia, p.267, 1998.
    * Quantum-classical statistical systems. In: "Mathematical physics", Moskow: Big Russian Encyclopaedia, p.260, 1998.
    * BBGKY hierarchy. In: Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Suppl. II, Kluwer Acad./Plenum Publ., pp.50-51, 2000.
    * BBGKY hierarchy. In: Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
    * Boltzmann–Grad limit. In: Encyclopaedia of Mathematics, Springer-Verlag, 2002.
    * Kyiv origin of modern statistical mechanics. Proc. IX Int. Conference "History of Development of Science, Technology and Education". Kyiv: KPI, pp.33-36, 2011.
    * Kinetic theory. In: Encyclopaedia of Modern Ukraine, Naukova Dumka, v.13, pp.179-180, 2013.
    * Correlation. In: Encyclopaedia of Modern Ukraine, Naukova Dumka, v.14, p.471, 2014.
    * Mathematical physics. In: Encyclopaedia of Modern Ukraine, Institute of Encyclopedic Research, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Kyiv, v.19, pp.480-481, 2018. ISBN 978-966-02-8345-9
    * Evolution equations of quantum-classical systems. Encyclopedia, 2019. Available online:
    * Genius of modern theoretical and mathematical physics.
    In: Creator of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics: to the 110th Anniversary of Academician M.M. Bogolyubov.
    Kyiv: PH "Akademperiodyka", pp. 13-30, 2019.
    (with A.G. Zagorodny).
    * 100 years of the Mathematical Institute of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.
    In: Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. I. Kyiv: IM, 2020, pp. 1-9.
    (with Yu.A. Drozd, S.I. Maksymenko).
    * Works of the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukrainian.
    In: Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. II. Kyiv: IM, 2021, pp. 407-424.
    (with Yu.A. Drozd, S.I. Maksymenko).
    * CLX years since the birthday of Academician D.O. Grave.
    In: Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. III. Kyiv: IM, 2023, pp. 685-697.
    (with S.I. Maksymenko).
    * The founder of the first major mathematical school in Ukraine (to the 160th anniversary of Academician
    D.O. Grave). Visnyk NAS of Ukraine, 2023, No.10, p. 78-86.
    (with S.I. Maksymenko and O.M. Timokha).
    * On the Petrina's papers in the modern mathematical physics. Ukr. Math. J., v.46, pp.317-328, 1994.
    (with P. Malyshev and A. Rebenko).
    * Creative contribution of D.Ya. Petrina in the development of modern mathematical physics. Ukr. Math. J., v.56, No.3, pp.293-308, 2004.
    * Creative heritage of a great scientist. Bulletin of National Acad. of Sci., No.12, pp.31-33, 2004.
    (with A.M. Samoilenko, D.Ya. Petrina and A.G. Zagorodny).
    * Dmytro Yakovich Petrina. Proc. IM NASU, v.4, No.3, pp.7-8, 2007. (with A.G. Zagorodny).
    * Famous stranger. Pedagogical quest, No 2, pp.3-7, 2009. (with M.O. Stashenko).
    * Mykola Bogolyubov: founder of modern theoretical and mathematical physics. World outlook, No.5, pp. 6-13, 2009. (with A.G. Zagorodny).
    * To the 100th anniversary of Mykola Bogolyubov birthday. Ukr. Math. Bulletin., v.6, No.2, pp.248-255, 2009.
    (with A.G. Zagorodny, A.M. Samoilenko, A.L. Rebenko, V.Ya. Gutlyansky).
    * Creative heritage of an outstanding naturalist. Bulletin of National Acad. of Sci., No.11, pp.35-36, 2009.
    (with A.G. Zagorodny and V.I. Zasenko).
    * To century of academician Mykoly Mykolayevycha Bogolyubov birthday. Bulletin of Kyiv Nat. Univ., Math. and Mech. No.22, pp.57-59, 2009.
    (with M.F. Gorodny, A.G. Zagorodny, I.O. Parasyuk, M.O. Perestyuk, A.M. Samoilenko, V.G. Samoylenko).
    * Ostap Stepanovych Parasyuk. Bulletin of Kyiv Nat. Univ., Math. and Mech., No.28, p.58, 2012.
    (with M.O. Perestyuk, A.M. Samoilenko, P.I. Golod, V.G. Samoylenko).
    * Institute of mathematics and academician Mykhaylo Kravchuk. Proc. sci. conf. devoted to the 120th anniversary of academician M. Kravchuk birthday, Kivertsi: PMK, p.15, 2012.

    Editor of books

    * Methods of Mathematical Physics of Infinite-Particle Systems. Proc. IM NASU, Kiev: IM, 1991, 105p.
    * Mathematical Methods in Statistical Mechanics. Proc. IM NASU, v.4, No.3, Kyiv: IM, 2007, 250p.
    * Analysis and Applications. Proc. IM NASU, v.9, No.2, Kyiv: IM, 2012, 404p.
    * Differential Equations and Related Problems of Analysis. Proc. IM NASU, v.10, No.2, Kyiv: IM, 2013, 280p.
    * Actual Problems of Mathematical Physics and its Applications. Proc. IM NASU, v.11, No.1, Kyiv: IM, 2014, 354p.
    * Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. I. Proc. IM NASU, v.17, No.2, Kyiv: IM, 2020, 408p.
    * Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. II. Proc. IM NASU, v.18, No.1, Kyiv: IM, 2021, 284p.
    * Modern Problems of Mathematics and its Applications. III. Proc. IM NASU, v.20, No.1, Kyiv: IM, 2023, 282p.
    Copyright © 2007 Institute of Mathematics