Антонюк Олександра Вікторівна
Канд. дис.: "Аналітичні властивості мір, асоціойваних з гіббсовими системами на многовидах", Інститут математики Академії Наук України, Київ, 1993.
Докт. дис.: "Аналітичні методи в задачах статистичної механіки, нелінійної дифузії та теорії складності дискретних часових рядів", Інститут математики НАН України, Київ, 2016.
Докт. дис.: "Аналітичні методи в задачах статистичної механіки, нелінійної дифузії та теорії складності дискретних часових рядів", Інститут математики НАН України, Київ, 2016.
Напрямки досліджень
p-adic analysis, parabolic equations of finite and infinite number of variables, SDE on manifolds and associated PDE, smooth properties of semi-groups, Malliavin calculus, applications of Mathematics to Life Sciences
Досвід роботи
[Jul 2021 - present] Leading Researcher in the Department of Nonlinear Analysis NAS of Ukraine
[Nov 2020 - Jun 2021] Acting Director of the Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine
[Dec 2016 - Nov 2020] Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine
[Jul 1996 - Dec 2016] Senior Researcher in the Department of Nonlinear Analysis, Institute of Mathematics Acad. Sci. Ukraine
[Jul 1997 - Jul 1998] Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow
[Jan 1993 - Jun 1996] Scientific Worker of the Department of Functional Analysis at Kiev Institute of Mathematics Ukrainian Acad. Sci.
[Nov 2020 - Jun 2021] Acting Director of the Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine
[Dec 2016 - Nov 2020] Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine
[Jul 1996 - Dec 2016] Senior Researcher in the Department of Nonlinear Analysis, Institute of Mathematics Acad. Sci. Ukraine
[Jul 1997 - Jul 1998] Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow
[Jan 1993 - Jun 1996] Scientific Worker of the Department of Functional Analysis at Kiev Institute of Mathematics Ukrainian Acad. Sci.
Виступи на конференціях
Antoniouk A.Val., Antoniouk A.Vict. High order symmetries of variational calculus and Cauchy-Liouville-Picard regularity scheme// Conference: "Nonlinear partial differential equations, dedicated to memory of J.P.Shauder". - Lviv: August, 1999.
Antoniouk A.Val., Antoniouk A.Vict. Nonlinear calculus of variations in applications to the $C^\infty$-properties of general non-Lipschitz diffusions// Conference: "Munchener Stochastik-Tage". - Munich: March, 1998.
Antoniouk A.Val., Antoniouk A.Vict. Nonlinear calculus of variations and properties of infinite dimensional semigroups, associated with nonlinear stochastic differential equations// EuroConference: "Stochastic analysis and its applications". - Barcelona: June-July, 1997.
Antoniouk A.Val., Antoniouk A.Vict. Quasi-contractive smooth nonlinear calculus for flows, generated by ordinary and stochastic differential equations// EuroConference: "Classical and Quantum evolutions: Deterministic and Stochastic approach". - Bielefeld: July, 1995.
Antoniouk A.Val., Antoniouk A.Vict. Nonlinear calculus of variations in applications to the $C^\infty$-properties of general non-Lipschitz diffusions// Conference: "Munchener Stochastik-Tage". - Munich: March, 1998.
Antoniouk A.Val., Antoniouk A.Vict. Nonlinear calculus of variations and properties of infinite dimensional semigroups, associated with nonlinear stochastic differential equations// EuroConference: "Stochastic analysis and its applications". - Barcelona: June-July, 1997.
Antoniouk A.Val., Antoniouk A.Vict. Quasi-contractive smooth nonlinear calculus for flows, generated by ordinary and stochastic differential equations// EuroConference: "Classical and Quantum evolutions: Deterministic and Stochastic approach". - Bielefeld: July, 1995.
Head of the organizing committee of the conference "Mathematics and Life Sciences: Possibilities, Interlacements and Limits", August 2010, Kyiv.