Murach Oleksandr Oleksandrovich

Murach Oleksandr Oleksandrovich


    Research monograph
    Mikhailets V. A., Murach A. A. Hormander Spaces, Interpolation, and Elliptic problems; De Gruyter, Berlin, 2014. xii+297 pp.

    More than 110 papers. Among them are the following:

    1. Los, V., Mikhailets, V., Murach, A. Parabolic problems in generalized Sobolev spaces. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 20 (2021), no. 10, 3589-3620.

    2. Anop, A., Denk, R., Murach, A. Elliptic problems with rough boundary data in generalized Sobolev spaces. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 20 (2021), no. 2, 697-735.

    3. Anop, A., Chepurukhina, I., Murach, A. Elliptic problems with additional unknowns in boundary conditions and generalized Sobolev spaces. Axioms, 10 (2021), article no. 292, 23 pp.

    4. Kasirenko, T., Mikhailets, V., Murach, A. Sobolev-like Hilbert spaces induced by elliptic operators. Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, 13 (2019), no. 3, 1431-1440.

    5. Anop, A. V., Kasirenko, T. M., Murach, O. O. Irregular elliptic boundary-value problems and Hörmander spaces. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 70 (2018), no. 3, 341-361.

    6. Los, V. M., Mikhailets, V. A., Murach, A. A. An isomorphism theorem for parabolic problems in Hörmander spaces and its applications. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, 16 (2017), no. 1, 69-97.

    7. Murach, A., Los, V. Isomorphism theorems for some parabolic initial-boundary value problems in Hörmander spaces. Open Mathematics, 15 (2017), 57-76.

    8. Hnyp, Ye. V., Mikhailets, V. A., Murach, A. A. Parameter-dependent one-dimensional boundary-value problems in Sobolev spaces. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017, no. 81, 1-13.

    9. Mikhailets, V. A., Murach, A. A., Soldatov, V. O. Continuity in a parameter of solutions to generic boundary-value problems. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2016, no. 87, 1-16.

    10. Mikhailets, V. A., Murach, A. A. Interpolation Hilbert spaces between Sobolev spaces. Results in Mathematics, 67 (2015), no. 1-2, 135-152.

    11. Mikhailets, V. A., Murach, A. A. The refined Sobolev scale, interpolation, and elliptic problems. Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 6 (2012), no. 2, 211-281.
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