4d gauge theories and classical integrable systems
A wide class of integrable classical systems
(the so-called Hitchin systems) can be
derived from a topological field theory in 2+1 dim.
They include, in particular, the Calogero-Moser systems, the Toda models,
integrable tops, the KdV equation, the Landau-Lifshitz equation. This
allows to obtain immediately the Lax equations with a spectral parameter
the conservation laws.
I plan to explain the general theory and then to illustrate it by two
1. Elliptic Calogero-Moser systems
2. Elliptic tops
Then I establish an equivalence of these systems and explain, follow
Kapustin-Witten, how this equivalence can be explain in the framework
of 4-d topological theory by a presence of a monopole.