Symmetry and Integrability of Equations of Mathematical Physics − 2018 (Kyiv, December 21−24, 2018)

General information:

International Workshop "Symmetry and Integrability of Equations of Mathematical Physics" will be held in Kyiv on December 21−24, 2018. The Workshop is organized in occasion of the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Department of Applied Research (nowadays the Department of Mathematical Physics). The Workshop will take place at the Institute of Mathematics (3 Tereshchenkivs'ka Street, Kyiv).

December 21 − arrival day
December 22 and 23 − scientific programme
December 24 − departure day


The deadline for registration is December 7, 2018.

All registered participants are added to the List of participants.


If you need an official invitation letter, please contact us via e-mail.

Talks and abstracts:

If you intend to give a talk at the Workshop, please send us the title of your talk and a short (up to one page) abstract of your contribution to the addresses  or/and Please indicate would you prefer to give short (15 min.) or long (30 min.) talk.

The deadline for the abstracts submission is December 7, 2018.

Registration fee:

Participation in the Workshop is FREE for all participants.

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