The 24th European Conference on Iteration Theory (ECIT 2024) dedicated to the memory of Oleksandr Sharkovsky took place in Vimeiro, Portugal, from 27th May 2024 until 31st May 2024.
At the conference, 33 participants from around the world presented their talks dedicated to dynamical systems and O.M. Sharkovsky.
The list of all participants is provided here: Program(photo taken from ECIT 2024)
Francisco Balibrea (Universidad de Murcia, Spain) wrote the incredible introduction on ECIT's home page.
Francisco Balibrea also prepared a presentation "O.M.Sharkovsky, friend and master." which highlighted a key area of his research and explored its significant impact on the theory and development of Topological Dynamical Systems. One important consequence of his work was the emergence of Combinatorial Dynamics and the advancement of one-dimensional real dynamical systems. Additionally, the presentation featured a selection of photographs to complement the discussion.
The video presentation "The last 5 years of O.M. Sharkovsky’s fruitful work" was presented by Olena Sharkovska. The idea was to show to the conference participants the last 5 years of the fruitful work of O. M. Sharkovsky.
His public appearances, trips, lectures, completed works and publications were told on video presentation and additionally, as well his articles and book that he was planning to publish on an important area of research ”Descriptive Theory of Deterministic Chaos”. This video presentation included photos and video materials.