Ukrainian mathematical congress - 2009

Fedir Semenovych Rofe-Beketov (B.Verkin Institute for Low Temperature Physics\&Engineering of NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Inverse Scattering Problems for Schroedinger Operator with Triangular Matrix-Valued Potential

The survey of the joint works [1-3] by E.I.Zubkova and F.S.Rofe-Beketov related to the topic mentioned above.

[1] E.I.Bondarenko, F.S.Rofe-Beketov. Inverse scattering problem on the semi-axes for a system with a triangular matrix potential// Math.Physics, Analysis and Geometry, V.10(2003),No 3, 412-424(Russian).
[2] E.I.Zubkova, F.S.Rofe-Beketov. Inverse scattering problem on the axis for the Schroedinger operator with triangular 2x2 matrix potential. I. main Theorem. II. Addition of the Discrete Spectrum// J.Math.Phys., Anal., Geom., V 3(2007), No 1,2, 47-60, 176-195.
[3] E.I.Zubkova, F.S.Rofe-Beketov. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions in Inverse Scattering Problem with Triangular 2x2 Matrix Potential// J.Math.Phys., Anal., Geom.,(to appear)