Yevhenii Chapovskyi

Department of Mathematical Physics
Institute of Mathematics
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
3 Tereshchenkivs'ka Street

E-mail: e[dot]chapovskyi[at]imath[dot]kiev[dot]ua, safemacc[at]gmail[dot]com


Research interests: Lie algebras of vector fields, Lie groups, symmetries of differential equations

Academic background:
Ph.D. in Math.: 2024, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine (Supervisor: Professor A.P. Petravchuk,)
Thesis "Nilpotent and solvable Lie algebras of derivations of polynomial rings"

Professional Experience:
2023–till now
Junior Researcher at the Department of Mathematical Physics of the Institute of Mathematics, Kyiv

Participation at the International Conferences and Schools
Ukraine Algebra Conference At the End of the Year 2024 (December 26-27, 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine)
International scientific conference Algebraic and geometric methods of analysis (May 27-30, 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine)
Ukraine Algebra Conference At the End of the Year 2023 (December 26-27, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine)
International Conference of Young Mathematicians (June 1-3, 2023, Kyiv, Ukraine)
The International Algebraic Conference At the End of the Year 2022 (December 27-28, 2022, Kyiv, Ukraine)
The International Algebraic Conference At the End of the Year 2021 (December 27-28, 2021, Kyiv, Ukraine)


  1. Chapovskyi Y., Kozachok, O. and Petravchuk, A., Decomposition of matrices from SL2(K[x,y]). Algebra Discrete Math. 38 (2024), 204–214, arXiv:2412.03688.
  2. Chapovskyi Ye.Yu., Koval S.D. and Zhur O., Subalgebras of Lie algebras. Example of sl(3,R) revisited, 24 pp, arXiv:2403.02554.
  3. Bedratyuk L., Petravchuk A. and Chapovskyi E., Centralizers of Linear and Locally Nilpotent Derivations, Ukrainian Math. J. 75 (2024), 1190–1202, arXiv:2302.02441.
  4. Chapovskyi Y., Efimov D. and Petravchuk A., Centralizers of elements in Lie algebras of vector fields with polynomial coefficients, Proc. Int. Geom. Cent. 14 (2022), 257–270.
  5. Chapovskyi Y.Y., Maschenko L.Z. and Petravchuk A.P., Nilpotent Lie algebras of derivations with the center of small corank, Carpathian Math. Publ. 12 (2020) 189–198, arXiv:2002.10165.
  6. Chapovskyi Y.Y., Efimov D.I. and Petravchuk A.P., Solvable Lie algebras of derivations of polynomial rings in three variables, Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics 16 (2018), 7–13.
  7. Chapovskyi Y.Y. and Shevchyk O.M., On divergence and sums of derivations, Algebra Discrete Math. 24 (2017), 54–60.