Research Papers 1959–1978
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Lomsadze Yu.M., Lend'el V.I., Kryvsky I.Yu., Fushchych
W.I., Khimich I.V., Lukin L.P., Ernst B.M., On
application of a modified method to the interpretation of nucleon-inclined
scatterings, Problems of the modern elementary particle theory, Uzhgorod,
1959, N 2, p.211–215 (in Russian, English abstract).
Krivsky I.Yu., Lomsadze Yu.M., Fushchych W.I., Khimich
I.V., On
the problem of radiative decay of -meson,
Ukrain. J. Phys., 1960, V.5, N 6, p.777–780 (in Ukrainian, English abstract).
Krivsky I.Yu., Lomsadze Yu.M., Fushchych W.I., Khimich
I.V., On
two-neutrino annihilation of electron with positron, Reports of the
Uzhgorod State University, 1960, N 3, p.23–24 (in Ukrainian).
Fushchych W.I., Analytic
properties of contribution into the birth amplitude as a function of two
variables, Ukrain. Math. J., 1963, V.15, N 2, p.227–232 (in Russian).
Fushchych W., Analytic properties of generalized loop diagrams, Proc. Ukrain. Acad. of Sci., 1964, N 1, p. 7–9 (in Ukrainian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., Analytic properties of the birth amplitude and the Chu-Low method, Ukrain. J. Phys., 1964, V.9, N 3, p.277–282 (in Ukrainian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., Kolomytsev V., Analytic
properties of scattering amplitudes corresponding to a class of Feynman's
diagrams, Ukrain. Math. J., 1964, V.16, N 5, p.610–623 (in Russian).
Fushchych W., On
analytic properties of some vertex amplitudes in the perturbation theory,
Ukrain. Math. J., 1965, V.17, N 3, p.137–141 (in Russian).
Fushchych W., Unitary symmetry and the Poincaré group, Pis'ma v Zh. Eksperimentalnoj i Teoreticheskoj Fiziki (JETP Letters), 1966, V.2, N 4, p.157–160 (in Russian).
Fushchych W., On
a representation of the de Sitter group, Ukrain. J. Phys., 1966, N
8, p.907–908 (in Ukrainian).
Fushchych W., On embedding of the Poincaré algebra, Ukrain. J. Phys., 1967, V.12, N 5, p.741–746 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., On interaction operators, Ukrain. J. Phys., 1967, V.12, N 8, p.1331–1338 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., On a relativistic invariant mass operator, Ukrain. J. Phys., 1968, V.13, N 3, p.256–262 (in English).
Fushchych W., Krivsky I., On a possible approach to the variable-mass problem, Nuclear Physics B, 1968, V.7, 79–82 (in English).
Fushchych W., Krivsky I., On
wave equations in the 5-dimensional Minkowski space, Preprint, Institute
of Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, N 72, 1968, 38p. (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., Motion equations in the odd-dimesional space, Preprint, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, N 69-17, 1969, 13 p. (in English).
Fushchych W., Krivsky I., On representations of the inhomogeneous de Sitter group and equations in five-dimensional Minkowski space, Nuclear Physics B, 1969, V.14, p.573–585 (in English).
Fushchych W., Sokur L., Bargman-Wigner equations on the inhomogeneous de Sitter group, Preprint, Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, N 69-33, 1969, 38 p. (in Russian, English abstract).
Kostyrko I., Fushchych W., On a dynamic oscillator algebra in a space with the indefinite metric, Ukrain. J. Phys., 1969, V.14, N 7, p.1113–1115 (in Ukrainian, English abstract).
Krivsky I., Romanenko I., Fushchych W., Equations
of Kemmer-Duffin type in the five-dimensional Minkovski space, Teoreticheskaya
i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1969, V.1, N 2, p.242–250
(in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., Representation of the full inhomogeneous de Sitter group and equations in five-dimensional approach. I, Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika(Theor. Math. Phys.), 1970, V.4, N 3. p.360–382 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., On the P- and T- non-invariant two-component equation for the neutrino, Nuclear Physics B, 1970, V.21, p.321–330 (in English).
Fushchych W., Grishchenko A., On
two-component equations for particles with zero mass, Preprint, Institute
of Theoretical Physics, Kyiv, N 70-40, 1970, 22p. (in English).
Fushchych W.I., On the additional invariance of relativistic motion equations, Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1971, V.7, N 1, p.3–12 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., On PTC-noninvariant Lagrangians, Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1971, V.9, N 1, p.91–93 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W.I., Grishchenko A.L., Nikitin A.G., On the relativistic equations of motion without superfluous components, Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1971, V.8, N 2, p.192–205 (in Russian, English abstract).
Sokur L., Fushchych W., On
equations of motion invariant under P(1,n) group. II, Teoreticheskaya
i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1971, V.6, N 3, p.348–363
(in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., On
three types of relativistic equations for particles with nonzero mass,
Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1972, V.4, N 9, p.344–346 (in English).
Fushchych W., P, T, C properties of the Poincaré-invariant equations for massive particles, Lett. Nouvo Cimento, 1973, V.6, N4, p.133–137 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., On
the possible types of equations for zero-mass particles, Lett. Nuovo
Cimento, 1973, V.7,
N 11, p.439–442 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., On the additional invariance of the Dirac and the Maxwell equations, Lett. Nuovo Cim., 1974, V.11, N 10, p.508–512 (in English).
Fushchych W., On
a motion equation for two particles in relativistic quantum mechanics,
Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1974, V.10, N 4, p.163–167 (in English).
Fushchych W., Poincaré-invariant equations with a rising mass spectrum, Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1975, V.14, N 12, p.435–438 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., On the Poincaré-invariant equations for particles with variable spin and mass, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 1975, V.8, N 1, p.33–48 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., Salogub V.A., On
the equations of motion for particles with arbitrary spin in non-relativistic
mechanics, Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1975, V.14, N 13, p.483–488 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., On the additional invariance of the Klein-Gordon-Fock equations, Proc. Acad. of Sci. USSR (DAN SSSR), 1976, V.230, N 3, p.570–573 (in Russian).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., On the Galilei-invariant equations for particles with arbitrary spin, Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1976, V.16, N 3, p.81–85 (in English).
Fushchych W., Seheda Yu., On invariance groups of some equations of relativistic quantum mechanics, Ukrain. Math. J., 1976, V.28, N 6, p.844–849 (in Russian).
Vladimirov V., Fushchych W., Maximal and minimal invariance group of hydrogen atom, Ukrain. Phys. J., 1976, V.21, N 9, p.1460–1462 (in Ukrainian, English abstract).
Nikitin A.G., Fushchych W.I., Yurik I.I., Reduction of irreducible unitary representations of generalized Poincaré groups by their subgroups, Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1976, V.26, N 2, p.206–220 (in Russian, English abstract).
Nikitin A.G., Segeda Yu.N., Fushchych W.I., On
additional invariance of the Kemmer-Duffin and Rarita-Schwinger equations,
Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1976, V.29,
N 1, p.82–93 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W., Group properties of equations of quantum mechanics, in: Asymptotic problems in theory of nonlinear oscilations, Naukova dumka, Kyiv, 1977, p.238–246 (in Russian).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., Differential equations of first and second orders for particles of arbitrary spin, Preprint IM-77-3, Kyiv, Inst. of Mathematics of Acad. Sci., 1977, 48 p. (in Russian).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., On the new invariance groups of the Dirac and Kemmer-Duffin-Petiau equations, Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1977, V.19, N 9, p.347-352 (in English).
Fushchych W., Onufriichuk S., On invariance groups of a class of denumerable first-order system of equations with partial derivatives, Proc. Acad. of Sci. USSR (DAN SSSR), 1977, V.235, N 5, p.1056–1059 (in Russian).
Fushchych W., Seheda Yu., On
a new invariance algebra for the free Schrödinger equation, Proc.
Acad. of Sci. Ukraine (DAN USSR), 1977, V.232, N 4, p.800-801 (in Russian).
Fushchych W.I., On the new method of investigation of group properties of systems of partial differential equations, in: Group-Theoretical Methods in Mathematical Physics, Inst. of Math., Acad. of Sci. Ukraine, Kyiv, 1978, p.5–44 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., On the invariance groups of a quasirelativistic equation of motion, Proc. Acad. of Sci. USSR (DAN SSSR), 1978, V.238, N 1, p.46–49 (in Russian).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., Salogub V.A., On the non-relativistic motion equations in the Hamiltonian form for arbitrary spin particles, Reports on Mathematical Physics, 1978, V.13, N 2, p.175–185 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., Poincaré-invariant equations of motion for particles of arbitrary spin, Fizika Elementarnych Chastits i Atomnogo Yadra (Sov. J. Part. Nucl.), 1978, V.9, N 3, p.501–553 (in Russian, English abstract).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., On the invariance groups of relativistic equations for spinning particles interacting with external fields, Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1978, V.21, N 16, p.541–546 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., Conformal invariance of relativistic equations for arbitrary spin particles,Lett. in Mathematical Physics, 1978, V.2, p.471–475 (in English).
Fushchych W.I., Nikitin A.G., Group properties of Maxwell's equations, in: Group-Theoretical Methods in Mathematical Physics, Inst. of Math. Acad. Sci. of Ukraine, Kyiv, 1978, p.45-80 (in Russian, English abstract).
Nikitin A.G., Fushchych W.I., Poincaré-invariant differential equations for particles of arbitrary spin, Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika (Theor. Math. Phys.), 1978, V.34, N 3, p.319–333 (in Russian, English abstract).