Electronic Registration form

*Occupation and/or Title:
Mailing Address:

Yes, I intend to attend the summer seminar "Stochastic and Dynamical systems":
Presenting a paper (by submitting an extended abstract or a full paper)
Presenting a short paper (by submitting a 1 page short paper proposal)
Without presenting a paper

The provisional title of my paper:

The paper belongs to the category (please tick one):
Stochastic and mathematical physics
Dynamical systems
Stochastic analysis
Theory of reliability, queueing theory, quality control and IT security
Stochastic models in sociology and economy
Stochastic models in insurance and finance
Statistics of industrial and ecological models
Statistics of random processes
Limit theorems for random processes and random fields

If e-mail fails, you can also print this instruction and send/fax it to:
Vitali Gasanenko
Institute Mathimatics of NASU
3, Tereshchenkivska str., 01601 Kiev, Ukraine
Phone: (380)44 2345372; Fax (380)44 235 2010

Organized and sponsored by:

Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Ukrainian Charitable Foundation for Furthering Development of Mathematical Science
National Agency "Intellect of Ukraine"
Ukrainian Gas Technologies
Research Service
Universidade Federal Do Maranhao (UFMA), Sao Luis - MA, Brasil