Nonlinear Oscillations

An international mathematical journal

Rules for authors

Terms of submission

The papers submitted to Nonlinear Oscillations should contain new results which are of interest to a wide circle of mathematicians working in the theory of differential equations and related fields within the journal Scope. In exceptional cases, high-quality survey papers are published.

By submitting a manuscript, the authors acknowledge that it has not been published elswhere and is not currently under consideration by another journal.

All the manuscripts are subject to peer review by anonymous referees. Publication of articles is free of charge.


The LaTeX manuscripts should be sent to our contact adress. Please also attach a PostScript or PDF file corresponding to the LaTeX source.

To speed up the publication, the use of AMS-LaTeX is encouraged.


Please write to us if you have any questions on the submission of papers to Nonlinear Oscillations.

© Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine. Last updated 23 March 2025 at 18:24. Contact address: