SIGMA 2 (2006), 029, 12 pages math-ph/0602066
Large-j Expansion Method for Two-Body Dirac Equation
Askold Duviryak
Institute for Condensed Matter Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,
1 Svientsitskii Str., Lviv, 79011 Ukraine
Received December 01, 2005, in final form February 15, 2006; Published online February 28, 2006
By using symmetry properties, the two-body Dirac
equation in coordinate representation is reduced to the coupled
pair of radial second-order differential equations. Then the
large-j expansion technique is used to solve a bound state
problem. Linear-plus-Coulomb potentials of different spin
structure are examined in order to describe the asymptotic
degeneracy and fine splitting of light meson spectra.
Key words:
Breit equation, two body Dirac equation, large-N expansion, Regge trajectories.
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