SIGMA 2 (2006), 052, 20 pages physics/0605106
Consequences of Symmetries on the Analysis and Construction of Turbulence Models
Dina Razafindralandy and Aziz Hamdouni
LEPTAB, Avenue Michel Crépeau, 17042 La Rochelle Cedex 01, France
Received October 28, 2005, in final form May 02, 2006; Published online May 12, 2006
Since they represent fundamental physical properties in
turbulence (conservation laws, wall laws, Kolmogorov energy
spectrum, ...), symmetries are used to analyse common turbulence
models. A class of symmetry preserving turbulence models is
proposed. This class is refined such that the models respect the
second law of thermodynamics. Finally, an example of model
belonging to the class is numerically tested.
Key words:
turbulence; large-eddy simulation; Lie symmetries; Noether's theorem; thermodynamics.
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