SIGMA 2 (2006), 053, 8 pages cond-mat/0605364
On Regularized Solution for BBGKY Hierarchy of One-Dimensional Infinite System
Tatiana V. Ryabukha
Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, 3 Tereshchenkivs'ka Str., Kyiv-4, 01601 Ukraine
Received October 31, 2005, in final form April 26, 2006; Published online May 14, 2006
We construct a regularized cumulant (semi-invariant)
representation of a solution of the initial value problem for the BBGKY hierarchy
for a one-dimensional infinite system of hard spheres interacting via
a short-range potential. An existence theorem is proved
for the initial data from the space of sequences of bounded functions.
Key words:
BBGKY hierarchy; cumulant; regularized solution.
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