SIGMA 3 (2007), 046, 23 pages math-ph/0703045
Contribution to the Vadim Kuznetsov Memorial Issue
Qualitative Analysis of the Classical and Quantum Manakov Top
Evguenii Sinitsyn a and Boris Zhilinskii b
a) Physics Department, Tomsk State University, 634050 Tomsk, Russia
b) Université du Littoral, UMR du CNRS 8101, 59140 Dunkerque, France
Received 20 October, 2006, in final form 19 January, 2007; Published online March 13, 2007
Qualitative features of the Manakov top are discussed for the
classical and quantum versions of the problem. Energy-momentum
diagram for this integrable classical problem and quantum joint
spectrum of two commuting observables for associated quantum problem
are analyzed. It is demonstrated that the evolution of
the specially chosen quantum cell through the joint quantum spectrum
can be defined for paths which cross singular strata. The corresponding
quantum monodromy transformation is introduced.
Key words:
Manakov top; energy-momentum diagram; monodromy.
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