SIGMA 4 (2008), 055, 21 pages arXiv:0807.2508
Contribution to the Special Issue on Deformation Quantization
Space-Time Diffeomorphisms in Noncommutative Gauge Theories
Marcos Rosenbaum, J. David Vergara and L. Román Juarez
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
A. Postal 70-543, México D.F., México
Received April 11, 2008, in final form June 25,
2008; Published online July 16, 2008
In previous work [Rosenbaum M. et al.,
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40 (2007), 10367–10382]
we have shown how for canonical parametrized field theories,
where space-time is placed on the same footing as the other fields in the theory,
the representation of space-time diffeomorphisms provides a very convenient scheme for
analyzing the induced twisted deformation of these diffeomorphisms, as a result of the space-time noncommutativity. However,
for gauge field theories (and of course also for canonical geometrodynamics) where the Poisson brackets of the constraints
explicitely depend on the embedding variables, this Poisson algebra cannot be connected directly with a representation of the
complete Lie algebra of space-time diffeomorphisms, because not all the field variables turn out to have a dynamical character
[Isham C.J., Kuchar K.V., Ann. Physics 164 (1985), 288–315, 316–333].
Nonetheless, such an homomorphic mapping can be recuperated by
first modifying the original action and then adding additional constraints in the formalism in order to retrieve the original theory, as shown by Kuchar and
Stone for the case of the parametrized Maxwell field in
[Kuchar K.V., Stone S.L., Classical Quantum Gravity 4 (1987), 319–328].
Making use of a combination of all of these ideas, we are therefore able to apply our canonical reparametrization approach in order to
derive the deformed Lie algebra
of the noncommutative space-time diffeomorphisms as well as to consider how gauge transformations act on the twisted
algebras of gauge and particle fields. Thus, hopefully, adding clarification on some
outstanding issues in the literature concerning the symmetries for gauge theories in noncommutative space-times.
Key words:
noncommutativity; diffeomorphisms; gauge theories.
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