Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 10 (2014), 069, 15 pages      arXiv:1310.2006

Special Solutions and Linear Monodromy for the Two-Dimensional Degenerate Garnier System G(1112)

Kazuo Kaneko
Seki Kowa Institute of Mathematics, Yokkaichi University, Kayaucho, Yokkaichi, Mie, 512-8512, Japan

Received October 24, 2013, in final form June 14, 2014; Published online July 05, 2014

We have classified special solutions around the origin for the two-dimensional degenerate Garnier system G(1112) with generic values of complex parameters, whose linear monodromy can be calculated explicitly.

Key words: two-dimensional degenerate Garnier system; monodromy data.

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