Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)

SIGMA 20 (2024), 108, 19 pages      arXiv:2405.13614

On Relative Tractor Bundles

Andreas Čap, Zhangwen Guo and Michał Andrzej Wasilewicz
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna, Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1, 1090 Wien, Austria

Received June 03, 2024, in final form November 18, 2024; Published online November 29, 2024

This article contributes to the relative BGG-machinery for parabolic geometries. Starting from a relative tractor bundle, this machinery constructs a sequence of differential operators that are naturally associated to the geometry in question. In many situations of interest, it is known that this sequence provides a resolution of a sheaf that can locally be realized as a pullback from a local leaf space of a foliation that is naturally available in this situation. An explicit description of the latter sheaf was only available under much more restrictive assumptions. For any geometry which admits relative tractor bundles, we construct a large family of such bundles for which we obtain a simple, explicit description of the resolved sheaves under weak assumptions on the torsion of the geometry. In particular, we discuss the cases of Legendrean contact structures and of generalized path geometries, which are among the most important examples for which the relative BGG machinery is available. In both cases, we show that essentially all relative tractor bundles are obtained by our construction and our description of the resolved sheaves applies whenever the BGG sequence is a resolution.

Key words: relative BGG-machinery; relative BGG resolution; relative tractor bundle; parabolic geometries; Legendrean contact structure; generalized path geometry.

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