- Village and center of the Dykan'ka district located 25 km from Poltava. This
village, first mentioned in documents dating to 1658, was the ancestral
home of the Kochubey family. Only a few "Kochubey" trees remain of the
ancient grove that once surrounded the palace. The palace, designed by
the architect Cuarengi contained over 100 rooms, an art gallery, museum,
and library, all of which were destroyed during the Bolshevik Revolution
of 1917. In 1668 rebellious Kozaks killed Hetman Bryukhovetsky in Dykan'ka
(he was buried in Hadyach). In 1709, on the eve of the Battle of Poltava,
Hetman I. Mazepa was billeted here. The army staff of Sweden's King Charles
XII was billeted in the nearby village of Velyki Budyshcha. MYKOLAYIVSKA
(ST. NICHOLAS' ) CHURCH 1794; BELL TOWER, 1810. Built in the Classical style
by the architect N.Lvov, this was the ancestral church and tomb of the
Kochubey family. It once housed a museum of atheism and a branch of an
ethnographic museum. TROYITSKA (HOLY TRINITY) CHURCH, 1780. Built in the
Baroque style by the architect M.Orlov. According to legend, Vakula, one
of the characters in Hohol's story "Christmas Eve" painted the devil in
this church. An Ethnographic Museum are located in the village.
Historic Cities |
- Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
- Vasel Koleda; Tchesti nova godina!, Chestita Koleda
- Linksmu Kaledu |
These pages are continually under construction. Please
excuse me if there are mistakes.
updated: 9 August, 1999 |
I am
very happy and very grateful to my mama, Kolyada (Kolisnyk) Halyna,
and to my dad, Kolyada Fedir (1925-87), for being born at so famous
place on the World at the place well-known all over the world - the
village of Kolyady!
Let me try to describe where this godly place is and what this word means "Kolyada"
in Ukraine as well as in Russia and in several ( Slavic ) countries also.
Kolyady is a small village located in
Poltava region of Ukraine, more precisely in between the villages of Dykan'ka
(25 km), Hoholeve
(Yanovshchyna)(4 km), Velyki Sorochyntsi
(22 km) and Shyshaky
km), and was founded by two brothers Kolyada
who where Ukrainian Kozaks (maybe
at least one of them was there ...). |
I guess that
Mykola Hohol' visited the village
Kolyady and this is what my so famous "countryman" wrote
about " Kolyada "
in his "Christmas Eve"
- "... The people in our parts go caroling beneath the windows of the cottages
on Christmas eve. The singers always receive gifts from the mistress or
master of the house, or whoever is at home, of a sausage, or a loaf of
bread, or a copper coin, depending on what they have. We call the carols
kolyadki, and they say that there was once a fool in Christ called Kolyada,
whom the people took to be God. Who knows, maybe there was. It's not for
us simple folk to say, at any rate. Last year Father Osyp tried to forbid
the singing of kolyadki round the villages, because he said people were
thereby making gifts to the devil himself. But the truth of the matter
is that the kolyadki don't have a word in them about Kolyada. People mostly
sing about the nativity of Christ; at the end they wish the master,
mistress, their children and all the household the best of health. ..."
(The original of this in Russian is there
). More about "Kolyada"
one can find below. |
Любіть Україну у сні й наяву,
вишневу свою Україну,
красу її, вічно живу і нову,
і мову її солов'їну.
Володимир Сосюра
SOROCHYNTSI -- Village on the Psel river in
the Myrhorod district. Founded in the 17th cent., the village was the residence
of Hetman D. Apostol in the 18th cent. The
Sorochyntsi Fair is held yearly on the last Sunday of August. PREOBRAZHENSKA
(TRANSFIGURA- TION) CHURCH, 1732. Built in the Ukrainian Baroque style,
the church was the burial place of the Ukrainian Kozak Hetmans. It contains
an unique carved iconostasis (20 m long and 17 m high), one hundred 17
cent. paintings, and icons of the church's patrons – the Hetman and his
wife Ulyana. Mykola Hohol' was baptized in this church. HOHOLEVE
(Vasylivka, Yanovshchyna) -- Village in the Shyshaky district and the ancestral
home of Vasyl' Hohol'-Yanovsky (1777-1825). Mykola Hohol' spent his childhood
and adolescence here and returned in later years to visit his mother and
sisters. In 1984 the Mykola Hohol's parents' estate (house, pavilion, and
park) was reconstructed. Today it houses a museum and cultural preserve
(by the way my father was working some time there). Poltava's
Historic Cities |
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