Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72 Tsarigradsko chaussee,
1784 Sofia, BULGARIA
Nikolay KOSTOV
Institute of Electronics,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
72 Tsarigradsko chaussee,
1784 Sofia, BULGARIA
E-mail: nakostov@ie.bas.bg
On N-wave type systems and their gauge equivalent
The class of nonlinear evolution equations (NLEE) - gauge equivalent
to the N-wave equations related to the simple Lie algebra g
are derived and analyzed. The corresponding Lax pairs and the time evolution
of the scattering data are found. The Zakharov-Shabat dressing method is
appropriately modified to construct their soliton solutions. The Z2-reductions
including ones that can be embedded also in the Weyl group of g.
The hierarchy of the Hamiltonian structures to the gauge equivalent systems
to the N-wave ones is also discussed.