Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Science and Mathematics,
University of Nis,
Visegradska 33, 18 000 Nis, YUGOSLAVIA

Analytic transformations between surfaces with animations

We deal with the graphical representations of surfaces of different classes, the visualisaton of mappings between them and animations of transformations of surfaces. For this purpose we use our own software and its extensions [3, 1, 2].

1991 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53A05, 68N05.
Key words and phrases: Mappings and transformations of surfaces, Computer Graphics, Visualisation, Animation.


  1. M. Failing, Entwicklung numerischer Algoritmen zur computergrafischen Darstellung spezieller Probleme der Differentialgeometrie und Kristallographie, Ph.D. Thesis, Giessen, 1996, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 1996.
  2. M. Failing, E. Malkowsky, Ein effizienter Nullstellenalgorithmus zur computergrafischen Darstellung spezieller Kurven und Fl\"achen, Mitt. Math. Sem. Giessen, 229, 1996, (11-25).
  3. E. Malkowsky, W. Nickel, Computergrafik in der Differentialgeometrie, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, Braunschweig, 1993.