Tensor central charge coordinates, twistors and integrable branes with extra supersymmetry
Exactly solvable p-brane/sting model with extra supersymmetry is proposed.
Effect of the supersymmetry enhancement due to the presence of tensor central
charge (TCC) cooordinates is studied. It is shown that the extra supersymmetry
of the model is accompanied by the presence of new bosonic gauge symmetries
describing shifts of the antisymmetric TCC coordinates by the null multivectors.
The gauge symmetries of the model permit to use composed coordinates invariant
under these symmetries and identified with the components of the
symplectic supertwistor encoding all physical degrees of freedom. A fine
tuning of the gauge symmetries results in the minimal spontaneous breaking
of the N = 1 supersymmetry and manifests itself by the OSp(1,2M)
symmetry of the super p-brane/string action.