Full publications list including references in Ukrainian can be found here.
Publications (by type):
by Sytnyk, Dmytro and Wohlmuth, Barbara
Sytnyk, Dmytro and Wohlmuth, Barbara, "Exponentially Convergent Numerical Method for Abstract Cauchy Problem with Fractional Derivative of Caputo Type", Mathematics, vol. 11, no. 10, 2023.[Info and related materials]
Bibtex Entry:
@article{Sytnyk2023, author = {Sytnyk, Dmytro and Wohlmuth, Barbara}, journal = {Mathematics}, title = {{Exponentially Convergent Numerical Method for Abstract Cauchy Problem with Fractional Derivative of Caputo Type}}, year = {2023}, issn = {2227-7390}, number = {10}, volume = {11}, article-number = {2312}, comment = {<a href="https://www.imath.kiev.ua/~sytnik/research/works/fractional-cauchy-caputo-short-times-2023.html">[Info and related materials]</a>}, creationdate = {2023-05-16T13:30:04}, doi = {10.3390/math11102312}, language = {english}, modificationdate = {2024-12-06T21:12:21}, }