Women in Mathematics:
History and Perspectives

April 20, 2019

Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv



Section 1: Talks about Prominent Female Mathematicians

11:30-12:00Iryna Yehorchenko"Hypatia and Maria Gaetana Agnesi"
12:00-12:15Andriiana Plakosh"Sophie Germain"
12:15-12:30Maryna Nesterenko"Sofia Kovalevskaya"
12:30-13:00Olena Vaneeva"Emmy Noether, Maryam Mirzakhani and Maryna Viazovska"

Section 2: Inspirational Stories of Successful Women Mathematicians

13:30-13:45Aleksandra AntoniukDr. Habil., Deputy Director for Science of the Institute of Mathematics of NASU, Head of the Innovation Data Science Centre of Kyiv Academic University, President of the Ukrainian Humboldt Club.
13:45-14:00Olena KarlovaDr. Habil., Associate Professor of the Mathematical Analysis Chair of the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, the winner of the competition for young mathematicians sponsored by the Shevchenko Scientific Society of America and the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation.
14:00-14:15Oksana LytvynPh.D., Head of the Chair of Information Technologies and Mathematic Disciplines of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Senior Researcher at V.E. Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics NAS of Ukraine.
14:15-14:30Yuliya MishuraDr. Habil., Full Professor, Head of the Department of Probability Theory, Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Chief Editor of the journal "Modern Stochastics: Theory and Applications" (jointly with Prof. Kęstutis Kubilius).
14:30-14:45Bohdana OliynykDr. Habil., Full Professor, Head of the Chair of Mathematics of the National University of "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy". Chief Editor of "Mohyla Mathematical Journal".
14:45-15:00Kateryna TerletskaPh.D., Senior Researcher at the Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems of NASU and well-known in Ukraine popularizer of science, co-founder of FindX Games.

Section 3: STEM and Popularization of Mathematics

15:30-15:45Maryna SaprykinaSTEM Girls initiative
15:45-16:00Peter ChernyshovKontora Pi – community of talented Ukrainian mathematicians
16:00-16:15Tetiana GerasimovaMathematics and business
16:15-16:30Yuliya SuprunMy love to math as an axiom
16:30-16:40Inha ManjulenkoMathematics: to love or to be afraid
16:40-16:50Sofiya MaslyanchukPopularisation of math and destroying of gender stereotypes in social media
16:50-17:00Vladyslava ShmonkoProblems for the youngest schoolchildren