


Management  and Administration

Membership in Scientific Organizations

Membership in Editorial Boards of Journals

Scientific Interests

Seminars organized

Supervision experience      

Awards and Grants     

Lectures at International Conferences

Participation in the Conference organizing




Lectures at International Conferences



  • International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania, 1989, 1993, 1998, 2002.

  • Soviet-Japan Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Kiev, Ukraine, 1991.

  • Ukrainian-Hungarian Symposium on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Mukachevo, Ukraine, 1992.

  • International conference on Stochastic and Global analysis, Voronezh, Russia, 1997.

  • Ukrainian-Scandinavian symposium on probability and statistics, Umea, 1997.

  • Ukrainian - Scandinavian symposium on probability and statistics, Kiev, Ukraine, 1999. (Invited lecture).

  • International Conference on Stochastic Analysis, L'viv, 2001, Ukraine, (Invited lecture).

  • International conference Stochastic Analysis and Path Integrals, Luminy 2004 (Invited lecture).

  • The Fifth International Fergana Conference devoted to memory of Syrazhdinov, Fergana 2005 (Invited lecture).

  • International conference New Trends in Probabilty Theory, Chernovtsu, Ukraine, 2005 (Invited lecture).

  • International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2006 (Invited lecture).

  • 31 International Conference Stochastic Processes and its Applications, Paris, France, 2006.

  • International Conference "Skorokhod Space. 50 years on", Kiev, Ukraine, 2007.

  • Stochastic Analysis and Random Dynamical Systems, Lviv, Ukraine, 2009.

  • 10th International Vilnius Conference on Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2010.

  • 8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics, Istanbul, Turkey, July 9–14, 2012 (Invited Session «Modern applications of Malliavin calculus»)

  • International Conference dedicated to the 120th anniversary of Stefan Banach, Lviv (Ukraine), September 17-21, 2012 (Plenary lecture “Some problems of Functional Analysis related to the Theory of Stochastic Flows

  • International Conference on Stochastic Analysis and Applications». Hammamet, Tunisia, October 14 -19, 2013.

  • International mathematical conference Bogolyubov readings DIF-2013, Sevastopol  June 23-30, 2013 (member Scientific and organizing committe)

  • 11th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics (30th June4th July, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2014.

  • Workshop IDSS - Stochastik “Infinite dimensional stochastic systems: theory and applications”, Wittenberg, Germany, 2015.

  • Yu.V.Linnik Centennial Conference" (Analytical methods in number theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics), St. Petersburg, Russia, 14-18 September 2015

  • International workshop on limit theorems in probability theory, number theory, and mathematical statistics, Kyiv, Ukraine, October 10-11, 2016.

  • 12 Vilnius conferece on Probability and mathematical statistics // July 2-6, 2018, Vilnius, Lithuania

  • International scientific conference “Stochastic Equations, Limit Theorems and Statistics of Stochastic Processes”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of I. I. Gikhman (1918–1985) // 17–22 September, 2018, Kiev, Ukraine

  • Mini School in Probability in Jilin University // 8-14 квітня, 2019, Чанчунь, Китай

  • Наукова конференція «Актуальні проблеми стохастичного аналіза», присвячена 80-річчю з дня народження академіка Ш.К.Форманова, 20- 21 лютого 2021 р., Ташкент, Узбекістан (онлайн)

  • International Frontiers of Mathematics (online), Jilin University, Changchun, China Sept 15-17, 2021

  • One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators 2021 (online) (Вища школа економіки, 5-9 квітня 2021)

  • International conference on Physics and Datadriven Computational Methods and Applications (online) (Jilin University,Changchun, China, 2022)

  • Uzbekistan-Ukrainian readings in stochastic processes (online) (Kyiv-Tashkent, 2022)

  • International Online Conference “One-Parameter Semigroups of Operators (OPSO) 2022”

  • Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis, May 29 – June 1, 2023, Odessa, Ukraine. International scientific conference AGMA-2023 (online)

  • International Uzbek-Ukrainian Conference: Modern problems of the theory of stochastic processes and their applications (online), Kyiv-Tashkent, october 10-11, 2023.

  • Joint Kiev-Warwick Stochastic Analysis Seminar, Warwick-Kyiv, UK-Ukraine, December 11, 2023 (online)


