Zabolotnyi Yaroslav

Zabolotnyi Yaroslav


    1. A.K. Bahtin, Ya.V. Zabolotnii. Estimates of a product of the inner radii of nonoverlapping domains//Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2017. – Volume 221, Ή5, - p. 623-629.

    2. I.V. Denega & Ya.V. Zabolotnii. Estimates of products of inner radii of non-overlapping domains in the complex plane //
    Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Feb 2017, V.62, No. 11, p. 1611–1618.

    3. Denega, I.V., Zabolotnyi, Y.V. Problem of nonoverlapping polycylindrical domains with poles on the boundary of a polydisk, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2017, 227, p.26–32.

    4. Bakhtin O.K., Zabolotnyi Y.V., Dvorak I.Y. Estimates for the Product of Inner Radii of Five Nonoverlapping Domains, Ukr. Math. J., 2017, 69, p. 304–311.

    5. Zabolotnii Ya., Dvorak I., Some evaluation of maximum of the product of conformal radii for pairwise non-overlapping domains, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2017, Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 554–559.

    6. Zabolotnyi, Y.V., Vyhivska, L.V. On a product of the inner radii of symmetric multiply connected domains. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2018, 231, p.101–109.

    7. Zabolotnii Ya., Denega I., On Conformal Radii of Non-Overlapping Simply Connected Domains, International Journal of Advanced Research in Mathematics, Vol. 11, 2018, p. 1-7.

    8. Zabolotnii, Y., Denega, I. Extremal decomposition of a multidimensional complex space for five domains, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2019, 241, 101–108.

    9. Iryna Denega and Yaroslav Zabolotnii, Problem on extremal decomposition of the complex plane, Analele Universitatii" Ovidius" Constanta-Seria Matematica, 2019, 27, Ή1, p. 61-77

    10. Bakhtin, A.K., & Zabolotnii, Ya.V. (2019) The problem of the product of inner radii of four nonoverlapping domains, some of there are symmetric about unit circle. Proc. IAMM NASU, 33, 27-32.

    11. Zabolotnii, Y.V. The Problem of V. N. Dubinin for Symmetric Multiconnected Domains. Ukr Math J 72, 1733–1741 (2021).

    12. Bakhtin, A.K., Zabolotnii, Y. Estimates of the Products on Inner Radii for Multiconnected Domains. Ukr Math J 73, 6–21 (2021).

    13. Bakhtin, A.K., Zabolotnii, Y. Estimation of the Products of Some Powers of Inner Radii for Multiconnected Domains. Ukr Math J 73, 1341–1358 (2022).

    14. Ya. V. Zabolotnii, I. V. Denega, “An extremal problem on non-overlapping domains containing ellipse points”, Eurasian Math. J., 12:4 (2021), 82–91.

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