Soroka Yuliia

Soroka Yuliia


    1. V. V. Sharko and Yu. Yu. Soroka,Topological equivalence to a projection,M ethods Funct. Anal. Topology21(2015), no. 1, 3–5. (arXiv:1607.04093,

    2. V. V. Sharko, Ye. O. Polulyakh, Yu. Yu. SorokaTopological equivalenceof pseudo-harmonic functions of general position in the plane, Proceedingsof Institute of Mathematics of Ukrainian NAS,12(2015), no. 6, 7–47.(

    3. Yu. Yu. Soroka,Homeotopy groups of rooted tree like non-singularfoliations on the plane, Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology22(2016), no. 3, 283–294. (

    4. Yu. Soroka,Homeotopy groups of nonsingular foliations of a plane,Ukrainian Mathematical Journal69(2017), no. 7, 1000-1008.

    5. Sergiy Maksymenko, Eugene Polulyakh, Yuliya Soroka,Homeotopy groupsof one-dimensional foliations on surfaces, Proceedings of the InternationalGeometric Center,10, no. 1 (2017) 21 pages.
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