Ефтехарінасаб Кавех Ахмадалі

Ефтехарінасаб Кавех Ахмадалі


    2011 Кандидат фіз.-мат. наук, Інститут математики НАНУ
    2007 Магістр, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

    Напрямки досліджень

      Нескінченновимірна геометрія, зокрема геометрія Фреше, Теорія критичної точки в нескінченномірних просторах.

      Досвід роботи

        11.2021- по теперішній час, старший науковий співробітник, Інститут математики НАНУ, Київ, Україна.
        11.2020- по теперішній час, доцент, Національний авіаційний університет, Київ, Україна.
        09.2020- 11.2021, науковий співробітник, Інститут математики НАНУ, Київ, Україна.
        09.2018- 09.2020, докторант, Інститут математики НАНУ, Київ, Україна.
        09.2018- 11.2020, асистент кафедри, Національний авіаційний університет, Київ, Україна
        06.2018-09.2018, молодший науковий співробітник, Інститут математики НАНУ, Київ, Україна.

        Виступи на конференціях

          1. Some Critical Theorems for Fréchet Manifolds, Short Communications Satellite Alongside the Virtual International Congress of Mathematicians, July, 6-14, 2022,

          2. Some Critical Theorems for Fréchet Manifolds, Intentional Conference "Algebraic and geometric Methods of Analysis", Odesa, Ukraine, May 24-27, 2022 (p.14 in the book abstracts).

          3. Some Applications of Transversality for Infinite Dimensional Manifolds, Intentional Conference "Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis", Odesa, Ukraine, May 25-28, 20(p.33 in the book of abstracts).

          4. On Generalization of the Hadamard-Lévy Theorem, International conference of young mathematicians, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 3-5, 2021 (p.21 in the book of abstracts).

          5. Lusternik-Schnirelmann Theorem for C 1-Functions on Fŕechet Spaces, International conference "Morse theory and its applications", Kyiv, Ukraine, Sep. 25-28, 2019 (p.7 in the book of abstracts).

          6. Finslerian Geodesic on Fŕechet Manifolds, International conference of young mathematicians, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 6-8, 2019 (p.80 in the book of abstracts).

          7. On the Generalization of the Darboux Theorem, International conference "Algebraic and geometric Methods of Analysis", Odesa, Ukraine, May 28 - June 3, 2019, (p.19 in the book of abstracts).

          8. A Global Diffeomorphism Theorem in Fŕechet Spaces, International conference ”Topological methods in dynamics and related topics”, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, Jan. 2019 (pp.668 in the book of abstracts).

          9. On the Existence of Global Diffeomorphisms Between Fŕechet Spaces, International conference "Algebraic and Geometric Methods of Analysis", Odesa, Ukraine, May 30-June 2018, (p.18 in the book of abstracts).

          10. A Simple Proof of the Short Time Existence and Uniqueness of Ricci Flow, Internationconference "Geometry and Topology in Odesa 2016", Odesa, Ukraine, June 19-21, 2016 (p.in the book of abstracts).

          11. A Generalised Palais-Smale Condition in Fŕechet Spaces Setting, International conference of young mathematicians, Kyiv, Ukraine, June 3-6, 2015.

          12. Fŕechet Lie Algebroids and Their Cohomologies, International conference "Geometry in Odesa–2015", Odesa, Ukraine, May 22-26, 2015, (p.42 in the book of abstracts).

          13. Geometry of Bounded Fréchet Manifolds, International conference "Geometry in Odesa-2013", Odesa, Ukraine, May 27- June 1, 2013, (p.101 in the book of abstracts).

          14. Sard’s theorem for mappings between Fréchet manifolds, International conference "Geometry in Odesa–2010" Odesa, Ukraine, May 24-29, 2010, (p.78 in the book of abstract.

          15. Sard’s theorem for mappings between Fréchet manifolds, International conference "Mathematics and Life Sciences: Possibilities, Interlacements, and Limits", Kyiv, Ukraine, Augu5-8, 2010.

          16. Curvature forms and Curvature functions for 2-manifold with boundary, Ukrainian mathematical congress, Kyiv, Ukraine, August 27-29, 2009,
          https://www.imath.kiev.ua/ congress2009/Abstracts/Kaveh.pdf.
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