Glinyanaya Kateryna Valeriivna

Glinyanaya Kateryna Valeriivna


    1. Discrete analogue of the Krylov-Veretennikov expansion, Theory of Stochastic
    Processes, Volume 17(33), no.1, 2011, pages 39-49

    2. Disordering asymptotics in the discrete approximation of an Arratia flow, Theory
    of Stoch. Processes, vol. 18(34), no.2, 2012, p. 8-14.

    3. Semigroups of m-point motions of the Arratia flow, and binary forests, Theory of
    Stoch. Processes, vol. 19(35), no.2, 2014, p. 31-41

    4. Krylov-Veretennikov representation for the m-point motion of a discrete-time flow, Theory of Stoch. Processes, vol. 20(36), no.1, 2015, p. 63-77

    5. Ergodicity with respect to the spatial variable of discrete-time stochastic flows. Dopov. Nac. akad. nauk Ukr. 2015, 8:13-20 (Russ)

    6. Spatial Ergodicity of the Harris Flows, Communications on Stochastic Analysis
    Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2017, p. 223–231

    7. On some random integral operators generated by an Arratia flow (A.A.
    Dorogovtsev, I.A. Korenovska, E.V. Glinyanaya), Theory of Stoch. Processes 22,
    no.2, 2017, 8-18

    8. Limit theorems for the number of clusters of the Arratia flow (V.V. Fomichov,
    E.V. Glinyanaya), Theory of Stoch. Processes, vol. 23(39), no.2, 2018, p. 33-40
    9. Mixing Coefficient for Discrete-Time Stochastic Flow, Journal of Stochastic
    Analysis: Vol. 1 : No. 1, 2020.
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