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Report of the Complex Analysis and Potential Theory Department of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Presentation prepared by: Tetyana M. Osipchuk, Iryna V. Denega, Serhiy A. Plaksa.

Report of the Department of Complex Analysis and Potential Theory of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine for 2016 - 2020 - YouTube



Season 6 of the L'Oréal-UNESCO Prize "For Women in Science" in Ukraine!

I.V. Denega was included in the list of 10 finalists of the 6th season of the L'Oréal-UNESCO Prize "For Women in Science" in Ukraine.

Within the framework of the national program L’Oréal-UNESCO "For Women in Science



On October 25, 2024, on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics of the NAS of Ukraine, the department's employees received awards.

S.A. Plaksa was awarded the NAS of Ukraine Award “For Professional Achievements”. R.R. Salimov was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the NAS Presidium and the Central Committee of the Trade Union of NAS of Ukraine for many years of fruitful work, significant contribution to the development of scientific research in the field of mathematics, significant achievements in the training of highly qualified scientific personnel and on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the institution’s founding. S.V. Hryshchuk, T.M. Osipchuk, I.V. Denega received diplomas for many years of conscientious work, significant achievements in professional activity on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine.


Presentation of awards of the President of Ukraine for young scientists 2022

On April 20, 2023, the Grand Conference Hall of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine hosted the ceremonial presentation of the 2022 President of Ukraine Prizes for Young Scientists. Certificates and honorary signs were presented to the award winners by the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Chairman of the Committee for State Prizes of Ukraine in the Field of Science and Technology Anatoliy Zagorodnyi.  https://www.president.gov.ua/documents/8092022-45017, https://www.imath.kiev.ua/news/index.php?news_id=284&lang=ua


Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Complex Analysis and Its Applications, 2022, https://trim.imath.kiev.ua/index.php/trim



On April 23, 2021 Ruslan SALIMOV had successfully defended Doctor Dissertation "Non-conformal modulus method in the theory of mappings with finite distortion". Scientific adviser - Doctor of Sciences, Professor  S.A. PLAKSA. Official opponents were Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine Volodumir GYTLIANSKIY, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Oleh SKASKIV and Doctor of Sciences, Professor Sergiy FAVOROV. 



During the quarantine period the department's seminars are held online. Notices of seminars are posted in advance on the website of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  www.imath.kiev.ua



On February 23, 2021 Iryna DENEGA had successfully defended Doctor Dissertation "Quadratic differentials and symmetrization methods in problems on extremal decomposition of the complex plane". Scientific adviser - Doctor of Sciences, Professor  A.K. BAKHTIN. Official opponents were Doctor of Sciences, Professor Andrey BANDURA, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Evgeny SEVOSTYANOV and Doctor of Sciences, Professor  Ihor SHEVCHUK. 



On September 15, 2020 Vitalii SHPAKIVSKIY had successfully defended Doctor Dissertation "Monogenic functions in commutative algebras". Scientific adviser - Doctor of Sciences, Professor  S.A. PLAKSA. Official opponents were Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine Volodumir GYTLIANSKIY, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Oleh SKASKIV and Doctor of Sciences, Professor Petro ZADEREI. 


International Conference in Analysis and Topology

dedicated to the memory of Yuriy Trokhymchuk (17.03.1928 - 18.12.2019)

Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, April 22-24, 2020


Congratulations to the winners of the competition to receive grants of the NAS of Ukraine to research laboratories / groups of young scientists of the NAS of Ukraine to conduct research on priority areas for the development of science and technology in 2020-2021.

(Vitaly Shpakivskyi, Iryna Denega, Roman Pukhtaievych, Kateryna Pozharska, Bohdan Klishchyk)



On  14 – 16 December 2019 Iryna Denega participated in

International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications ( New Delhi, India ) .



On September 10, 2019 INNA DVORAK had successfully defended Kandidate Dissertation "Symmetrization method in problems on extremal decomposition of the complex planeunder supervision of Doctor of Sciences, Professor A.K. BAKHTIN. Official opponents were Doctor of Sciences, Professor Petro ZADEREI and Doctor of Sciences, Professor Evgeny SEVOSTYANOV.



On  29 July – 2 August 2019 department staff (Serhii Gryshchuk, Vitalii Shpakivskyi, Iryna Denega, Bogdan Klishchuk) participated and

made presentations of their results in 12TH INTERNATIONAL ISAAC CONGRESS (University of Aveiro, Portugal).




On 7 – 14 July 2019 department staff (Sergii Plaksa, Serhii Gryshchuk, Iryna Denega, Bogdan Klishchuk, Liudmyla Vyhivska)

participated and made presentations of their results in HYPERCOMPLEX SEMINAR 2019:

(Hyper)Complex Analysis in Differential Equations, Geometry and Physical Applications  (Mathematical Conference Center at Będlewo, Poland).




On March 26, 2019 LIUDMYLA VYHIVSKA had successfully defended Kandidate Dissertation "Extremal problems for non-overlapping domains with free poles on a circleunder supervision of Doctor of Sciences, Professor A.K. BAKHTIN. Official opponents were Doctor of Sciences, Professor Petro ZADEREI and Kandidate of Sciences Andrey TARGONSKII.



Congratulations to  Serhii Gryshchuk and the team of the Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine

for the third place in the chess tournament

among the teams of the Kiev institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine



On  31 July – 9 August 2018 Iryna Denega participated in

International Congress of Mathematicians and World Meeting for Women in Mathematics ( Rio de Janeiro, Brazil ) .




On October 16, 2018  TANYA KUZMENKO had successfully defended Kandidate Dissertation "Monogenic mappings in algebra of complex quaternionsunder supervision of Doctor of Sciences, Professor S.A. PLAKSA. Official opponents were Doctor of Sciences, Professor IHOR SHEVCHUK and Kandidate of Sciences OLHA TROFIMENKO.



Congratulations to the winners of the Award of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

for the most talented young scientists in the field of fundamental and applied research

and scientific-technical developments in 2016



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