Iryna Denega
Research interests are geometric function theory of complex variable, complex and hypercomplex analysis, geometric function theory of complex variable.
1. Denega I. V. Some extremal problems on non-overlapping domains with free poles / I. V. Denega // Bulletin de la société des sciences et des lettres de Łódź, Recherches sur les déformations. – 2011. – V. LXI, no. 3. – P.103 – 114.
2. Bakhtin А. К. Inequalities in problems on non-overlapping domains / А. К. Bakhtin, G. P. Bakhtina, I. V. Denega // arXiv:1108.2383 [math. CV] 11 Aug 2011.
3. A. Bakhtin and I. Denega. Addendum to a theorem on extremal decomposition of the complex plane. Bulletin de la société des sciences et des lettres de Łódź, Recherches sur les déformations. - 2012. – V. LXII, no. 2. – P.83 – 92.
4. I. Denega. Generalization of some extremal problems on non-overlapping domains with free poles. Annales universitatis Mariae Curie-Skladovska, Lublin-Polonia. - 2013. - V. LXVII, no. 1. - P. 11 - 22.
5. A. K. Bakhtin, G. P. Bakhtina, I. V. Denega. Estimates of product of inner radii of mutually non-overlapping domains in multidimensional complex spaces // arXiv:1207.4893v1 [math.CV], Submitted on 20 Jul 2012.
6. G. Bakhtina, I. Dvorak, I. Denega. Problems on extremal decomposition of the complex plane//arXiv:1505.06435v1 [math.CV], Submitted on 24 May 2015.
7. A. Bakhtin, I. Dvorak and I. Denega. Separating transformation and extremal decomposition of the complex plane // Bulletin de la societe des sciences et des lettres de Lodz, Recherches sur les deformations. - 2016. - V. LXVI, no.2, pp. 13-20.
8. Aleksandr K. Bakhtin, Liudmyla V. Vygivska, Iryna V. Denega. Inequalities for the internal radii of non-overlapping domains // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 220, No. 5, February, 2017, P. 584 - 590.
9. I.V. Denega & Ya.V. Zabolotnii. Estimates of products of inner radii of non-overlapping domains in the complex plane // Complex Variables and Elliptic Equations, Feb 2017, http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/ACymqAMAceewIG54tcCJ/full
10. A. Bakhtin, L.Vygivska, and I. Denega. N-Radial Systems of Points and Problems for Non-Overlapping Domains // Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2017, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 229–235.
11. Irina V. Denega, Yaroslav V. Zabolotnyi. Problem of nonoverlapping polycylindrical domains with poleson the boundary of a polydisk // Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 227, No. 1, November, 2017.