Differential forms

Open lectures course, Autumn, 2023

  1. Differential forms
    2023-10-11 video
  2. Cotangent bundle
    2023-09-18 video
  3. Tensor products
    2023-10-25 video
  4. External products
    2023-11-01 video
  5. External products, 2
    2023-11-06 video
  6. Tensor products, 2
    2023-11-08 video
  7. Covariant and contravariant tensors
    2023-11-15 video
  8. Mayer-Vietoris sequence
    2023-02-14 video
  9. Partition of unity. Approximations
    2023-02-21 video
  10. Partition of unity, 2
    2023-02-28 video
  11. Mayer-Vietoris sequence for cohomologies with compact supports
    2023-03-06 video

Algebra and Topology department
Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine
Str. Tereshchenkivska, 3
Kyiv, 01024 Ukraine
Email: maks@imath.kiev.ua

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