- Volume 4, No. 1 Volume 4, No. 2 Volume 4, No. 3 Volume 4, No. 4
- Volume 4 (2001), No. 2
- Initial Value Problems for First Order Impulsive Differential Inclusions in Banach Spaces
- M. Benchohra
- Pages 146-154
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- On the existence and uniqueness for a time-dependent Ginzburg - Landau model
- V. Berti and R. Nibbi
- Pages 155-170
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- To a problem of introduction of local coordinates in a neighbourhood of an invariant toroidal set
- O. A. Burylko and A. A. Davydenko
- Pages 171-189
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- Asymptotic Representations of Proper Nonoscillation Solutions of a Class of Semilinear Differential Equations of the Second Order
- V. M. Evtukhov and N. S. Vasiljeva
- Pages 190-215
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- Minimal and Maximal Solutions of Two Point Boundary-Value Problems for Second Order Differential Equations
- P. Kelevedjiev and N. I. Popivanov
- Pages 216-225
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- The Cauchy Problem for the Degenerate Singularly Perturbed Linear System in Case of the Multiple Spectrum of the Limit Bundle of Matrixes
- O. I. Kocherga and V. P. Yakovets
- Pages 226-233
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- The Invariant Tori of Linear Extensions of Dynamic Systems
- W. L. Kułyk and D. Pączko
- Pages 234-240
- Link
- Low and High Frequency Convergence of the Spectrum of Some Self-Adjoint Compact Operator that Depends on a Small Parameter
- T. A. Mel'nyk
- Pages 241-251
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- Existence of Solutions of Degenerate Nonlinear Differential Operator Equations
- A. G. Rutkas and L. A. Vlasenko
- Pages 252-263
- Link
- The Complete Integrability and Picard - Fuchs Equations of a Four-Dimensional Truncated Focker-Plank Hamiltonian System. I
- A. M. Samoilenko and Y. A. Prykarpatsky
- Pages 264-271
- Link
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of the Lipschitz Invertibility of the Nonlinear Differential Operator
in the Space of Bounded Functions on the Real Axis
- V. Y. Slyusarchuk
- Pages 272-277
- Link
- Numerical-analytic method of finding periodic solutions for systems of partial differential equations with pulse influence
- A. B. Tkach
- Pages 278-288
- Link
- Entire volume 4