- Volume 19, No. 1 Volume 19, No. 2 Volume 19, No. 3 Volume 19, No. 4
- On existence of continuous solutions to difference systems
- I. V. Betsko
- Pages 3-10
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- Boundary-value problems with initial jumps for singularly perturbed integro-differential equation
- M. K. Dauylbayev and A. E. Mirzakulova
- Pages 11-21
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- Asymptotic behavior of solutions of nonautonomous
th order ordinary differential equations
- V. M. Evtukhov and Mousa Jaber Abu elshour
- Pages 22-31
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- On nonlinear functional system solutions that are continuous for t ∈ R
- T. O. Yeromina
- Pages 32-47
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- A general form of generalized invertible operators on Banach spaces
- V. F. Zhuravlev
- Pages 48-57
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- Noetherian boundary-value problems for integral equations
- N. O. Kozlova and V. A. Feruk
- Pages 58-66
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- Conditions for existence of an optimal control for some classes of differential equations on time scales
- O. Y. Lavrova
- Pages 67-84
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- Energy redistribution between the reservior and the free surface liquid under angular motion of the system
- O. S. Limarchenko and K. O. Semenovych
- Pages 85-92
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- Wong’s oscillation theorem for second-order delay differential equations
- A. Özbekler and A. Zafer
- Pages 93-100
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- Hyperbolic invariant tori of a fast-slow system exhibiting the dynamical bifurcation of multifrequency oscillations
- I. O. Parasyuk and B. V. Repeta
- Pages 101-121
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- Sensitivity of an induced system on a line segment
- O. V. Rybak
- Pages 122-128
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- Representation of solutions of linear differential systems of second-order with constant delays
- Z. Svoboda
- Pages 129-141
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- Almost periodic solutions of functional equations
- V. Y. Slyusarchuk
- Pages 141-148
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- Weakly perturbed integral equations
- A. A. Boichuk, N. O. Kozlova, and V. A. Feruk
- Pages 151-160
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- Existence of solutions to a boundary-value problem for nonlinear fractional order differential equation
- A. N. Vityuk and A. V. Mikhailenko
- Pages 161-172
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- Asymptotic behavior of solutions of essentially nonlinear second order differential equations
- E. S. Vladova
- Pages 173-180
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- Periodic solutions and their properties for systems of differential-functional equations with parameter
- N. L. Denysenko
- Pages 181-202
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- On the unique solvability of a nonlinear nonlocal boundary-value problem for systems of second order functional differential equations
- N. Z. Dilna
- Pages 203-216
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- Existence of an invariant torus for a degenerate linear extension of a dynamical system
- Y. Y. Korol
- Pages 217-226
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- On a numerical realization of a generalized model of the world dynamics and sustainable development
- D. M. Lyla and A. A. Martyniuk
- Pages 227-234
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- Specifics of dynamical behavior of a straight pipeline for supercritical velocities of fluid flow
- O. S. Limarchenko and O. P. Timokhin
- Pages 235-239
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- Boundary-value problems for Lyapunov equation in a Banach space
- Y. V. Panasenko and O. O. Pokutnyi
- Pages 240-246
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- On the solution set structure of a certain class of systems of nonlinear neutral type differential-difference equations
- G. P. Pelyukh
- Pages 247-252
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- Asymptotic expansions for eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of a Steklov spectral problem for thin perforated domains with rapidly varying thickness and different boundary dimensions
- A. V. Popov
- Pages 253-275
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- Seminonlinear matrix boundary-value problem in the case of a parametric resonance
- S. M. Chuiko, O. S. Chuiko, and D. V. Sysoyev
- Pages 276-289
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- A coupled system of nonlocal fractional differential equations with coupled and uncoupled slit-strips integral boundary conditions
- B. Ahmad and S. K. Ntouyas
- Pages 291-310
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- On asymptotic properties of solutions to some differential-functional equations
- D. V. Belskii and G. P. Pelyukh
- Pages 311-348
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- Asymptotically optimal control for a control-linear problem with fast and slow variables
- I. A. Boitsova
- Pages 349-361
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- A Noetherian impulsive control problem
- A. A. Boichuk, I. S. Voitushenko, and L. M. Shegda
- Pages 362-366
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- Frequency conditions for convergence of a control system in a neighborhood of a program manifold
- S. S. Zhumatov
- Pages 367-375
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- A general averaging scheme for discrete systems with variable delays
- O. D. Kichmarenko and M. L. Karpycheva
- Pages 376-389
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- Bifurcations of auto-oscillations for parabolic systems with delay in the argument and small diffusion
- I. I. Klevchuk
- Pages 390-398
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- Solvability conditions for functional equations with a differentiable λ-injective operator
- V. Y. Slyusarchuk
- Pages 399-407
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- Existence and uniqueness of solution to the Сauchy problem for neutral stochastic differential equation of reaction-diffusion type
- O. M. Stanzhitskyi and A. O. Tsukanova
- Pages 408-430
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- Vasyl’ Yukhymovych Slyusarchuk (on his 70th birthday)
- A. M. Samoilenko, M. O. Perestyuk, A. A. Boichuk, M. F. Gorodnii, I. O. Parasyuk, R. I. Petryshyn, V. I. Tkachenko, and S. I. Trofimchuk
- Pages 431-432
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- On a generalization of a Cauchy problem for singular parabolic type evolution equations
- V. V. Gorodetsky, O. V. Martynyuk, and A. O. Shyrokovskykh
- Pages 435-457
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- Asymptotics of slowly changing solutions to second order binomial differential equations with rapidly varying nonlinearities
- V. M. Evtukhov and A. G. Chernikova
- Pages 458-475
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- Boundary-value problem for a system of linear nonhomogeneous first order differential equations with rectangular matrices
- M. A. Yelishevich
- Pages 476-492
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- Existence of an optimal control for differential systems with impulsive effects at nonfixed times
- A. O. Ivashkevych and T. V. Kovalchuk
- Pages 493-508
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- Bounded solutions to boundary-value hyperbolic problems
- R. Y. Klyuchnyk and I. Y. Kmit
- Pages 509-520
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- Representation of solutions of systems of linear differential equations with multiple delays and linear parts given by nonpermutable matrices
- M. Medveď and M. Pospíšil
- Pages 521-532
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- Asymptotic almost periodic solutions of equations with delays and impulsive effects at nonfixed times
- Y. M. Myslo and V. I. Tkachenko
- Pages 533-546
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- Approximate synthesis of distributed optimal control for hyperbolic equation with fast oscillating coefficients
- O. V. Pereguda and A. V. Rusina
- Pages 547-554
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- On stability of a toroidal manifold for a class of dynamical systems
- M. M. Perestyuk and Y. M. Perestyuk
- Pages 555-563
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- Autonomous periodic boundary value problem for the matrix differential equation
- S. M. Chuiko and An. O.
- Pages 564-574
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