Special Issue on Geometry and Dynamics in memory of Will Merry
Edited by P. Biran, J. Evans and G. Paternain
Deadline for paper submission is January 31, 2026
Special Issue on Recent Advances in Vertex Operator Algebras in honor of James Lepowsky's 80th birthday
Edited by S. Kanade and A. Milas
Deadline for paper submission is August 31, 2025
Special Issue on Basic Hypergeometric Series Associated with Root Systems and Applications in honor of Stephen C. Milne's 75th birthday
Edited by G. Bhatnagar, F. Garvan, C. Krattenthaler and M. Schlosser
Issue in progress
Special Issue on Evolution Equations, Exactly Solvable Models and Random Matrices in honor of Alexander Its' 70th birthday
Edited by T. Bothner, T. Grava, K. McLaughlin and A. Prokhorov
Issue in progress
Special Issue on Integrability, Geometry, Moduli in honor of Motohico Mulase for his 65th birthday
Edited by G. Borot, O. Dumitrescu, S. Rayan and D. Zagier
Issue in progress
Special Issue on Asymptotics and Applications of Special Functions in Memory of Richard Paris
Edited by M. Dunster, D. Kaminski, D. Karp and G. Nemes
Completed October 21, 2024. Contains 9 papers with the total of 118 pages
Special Issue on Global Analysis on Manifolds in honor of Christian Bär for his 60th birthday
Edited by B. Ammann, L. Bandara, S. Goette and K. Kröncke
Completed September 21, 2024. Contains 8 papers with the total of 164 pages
Special Issue on Symmetry, Invariants, and their Applications in honor of Peter J. Olver's 70th Birthday
Edited by A. Bihlo, M. Fels, I. Kogan, R. Milson and F. Valiquette
Completed September 01, 2024. Contains 15 papers with the total of 389 pages
Special Issue on Differential Geometry Inspired by Mathematical Physics in honor of Jean-Pierre Bourguignon for his 75th birthday
Edited by D. Auroux, P. Foulon, M. Herzlich, O. Hijazi and A. Moroianu
Completed July 21, 2024. Contains 26 papers with the total of 616 pages
Special Issue on Enumerative and Gauge-Theoretic Invariants in honor of Lothar Göttsche on the occasion of his 60th birthday
Edited by M. Kool, A. Marian, H. Markwig and H. Nakajima
Completed December 27, 2023. Contains 10 papers with the total of 310 pages
Special Issue on Non-Commutative Algebra, Probability and Analysis in Action
Edited by J. Diehl, K. Ebrahimi-Fard, U. Franz, M. Gerhold and N. Tapia
Completed December 14, 2023. Contains 14 papers with the total of 323 pages
Special Issue on Topological Solitons as Particles
Edited by B.J. Schroers, M. Speight and P. Sutcliffe
Completed October 11, 2023. Contains 8 papers with the total of 138 pages
Special Issue on Mathematics of Integrable Systems: Classical and Quantum in honor of Leon Takhtajan for his 70th birthday
Edited by A. Its, N. Reshetikhin and F. Smirnov
Completed August 13, 2022. Contains 14 papers with the total of 337 pages
Special Issue on Algebraic Structures in Perturbative Quantum Field Theory in honor of Dirk Kreimer for his 60th birthday
Edited by K. Ebrahimi-Fard, E. Panzer and K. Yeats
Completed July 11, 2022. Contains 13 papers with the total of 349 pages
Special Issue on Twistors from Geometry to Physics in honor of Roger Penrose for his 90th birthday
Edited by M. Eastwood, L. LeBrun and L. Mason
Completed June 19, 2022. Contains 6 papers with the total of 96 pages
Special Issue on Primitive Forms and Related Topics in honor of Kyoji Saito for his 77th birthday
Edited by A. Bondal, M. Kapranov, T. Kohno, A. Takahashi and M. Yoshinaga
Completed September 07, 2021. Contains 11 papers with the total of 396 pages
Special Issue on Scalar and Ricci Curvature in honor of Misha Gromov on his 75th Birthday
Edited by L.-H. Huang, B. Lawson, P. Miao, P. Piazza, R. Schoen, C. Sormani and G. Wei
Completed July 08, 2021. Contains 22 papers with the total of 357 pages
Special Issue on Representation Theory and Integrable Systems in honor of Vitaly Tarasov on the 60th birthday and Alexander Varchenko on the 70th birthday
Edited by P. Etingof, G. Felder and E. Mukhin
Completed March 30, 2021. Contains 13 papers with the total of 338 pages
Special Issue on Noncommutative Manifolds and their Symmetries in honour of Giovanni Landi for his sixtieth birthday
Edited by F. Arici, A. Connes, F. D'Andrea, G. Dito, C. Pagani and W. van Suijlekom
Completed March 25, 2021. Contains 13 papers with the total of 332 pages
Special Issue on Cluster Algebras
Edited by K. Lee, L. Li and R. Schiffler
Completed February 01, 2021. Contains 10 papers with the total of 261 pages
Special Issue on Elliptic Integrable Systems, Special Functions and Quantum Field Theory
Edited by M. Hallnäs, M. Noumi, V.P. Spiridonov and S.O. Warnaar
Completed December 23, 2020. Contains 15 papers with the total of 494 pages
Special Issue on Algebra, Topology, and Dynamics in Interaction in honor of Dmitry Fuchs' 80th anniversary
Edited by B. Khesin, F. Malikov, V. Ovsienko and S. Tabachnikov
Completed September 24, 2020. Contains 22 papers with the total of 558 pages
Special Issue on Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems
Edited by T. Crespo, A. Maciejewski, J.J. Morales-Ruiz, E. Paul and A. Tsygvintsev
Completed December 30, 2019. Contains 9 papers with the total of 199 pages
Special Issue on Moonshine and String Theory
Edited by M.C.N. Cheng, J. Duncan, S. Kachru and R. Volpato
Completed August 10, 2019. Contains 9 papers with the total of 245 pages
Special Issue on Geometry and Physics of Hitchin Systems
Edited by L.B. Anderson and L.P. Schaposnik
Completed June 26, 2019. Contains 8 papers with the total of 219 pages
Special Issue on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications (OPSFA14)
Edited by P. Clarkson, E. Koelink, A. Loureiro and W. Van Assche
Completed January 29, 2019. Contains 18 papers with the total of 480 pages
Special Issue on Elliptic Hypergeometric Functions and Their Applications
Edited by M.J. Schlosser, V.P. Spiridonov and S.O. Warnaar
Completed December 21, 2018. Contains 18 papers with the total of 517 pages
Special Issue on Painlevé Equations and Applications in Memory of Andrei Kapaev
Edited by P. Deift, B. Dubrovin, T. Grava, A. Its and P. Miller
Completed December 11, 2018. Contains 15 papers with the total of 399 pages
Special Issue on the Representation Theory of the Symmetric Groups and Related Topics
Edited by S. Danz and A. Mathas
Completed November 21, 2018. Contains 9 papers with the total of 123 pages
Special Issue on Modular Forms and String Theory in honor of Noriko Yui
Edited by C. Doran, Y. Goto and L. Long
Completed November 20, 2018. Contains 21 papers with the total of 390 pages
Special Issue on Combinatorics of Moduli Spaces: Integrability, Cohomology, Quantisation, and Beyond
Edited by J.E. Andersen, L. Chekhov and S. Lando
Completed July 13, 2018. Contains 5 papers with the total of 121 pages
Special Issue on Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems
Edited by A. Alekseev, A. Bytsko and É. Ragoucy
Completed May 03, 2018. Contains 10 papers with the total of 242 pages
Special Issue on Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations
Edited by V. Hussin, M. Ismail, D. Levi, Z. Thomova and P. Winternitz
Completed March 09, 2018. Contains 13 papers with the total of 276 pages
Special Issue “Gone Fishing”
Edited by M. Gekhtman, M. Pflaum, J. Watts and A. Weinstein
Completed July 10, 2017. Contains 5 papers with the total of 105 pages
Special Issue on Asymptotics and Universality in Random Matrices, Random Growth Processes, Integrable Systems and Statistical Physics in honor of Percy Deift and Craig Tracy
Edited by J. Baik, I. Corwin and B. Rider
Completed March 14, 2017. Contains 14 papers with the total of 311 pages
Special Issue on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications
Edited by H. Cohl, D. Dominici, T. Koornwinder, V. Moll and W. Van Assche
Completed December 27, 2016. Contains 28 papers with the total of 555 pages
Special Issue on Analytical Mechanics and Differential Geometry in honour of Sergio Benenti
Edited by F. Cardin, C. Chanu, R. McLenaghan, W. Miller Jr, G. Rastelli and A. Tsiganov
Completed December 21, 2016. Contains 17 papers with the total of 364 pages
Special Issue on Tensor Models, Formalism and Applications
Edited by R. Gurau
Completed September 23, 2016. Contains 9 papers with the total of 264 pages
Special Issue on Exact Solvability and Symmetry Avatars in honour of Luc Vinet
Edited by V. Genest, D. Levi, W. Miller, Y. Saint-Aubin and P. Winternitz
Completed December 02, 2015. Contains 18 papers with the total of 309 pages
Special Issue on Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems
Edited by P.B. Acosta-Humánez, J.M. Aroca, A.J. Maciejewski, J.-P. Ramis and H. Umemura
Completed November 20, 2015. Contains 7 papers with the total of 123 pages
Special Issue on Poisson Geometry in Mathematics and Physics
Edited by A. Alexeev, R.L. Fernandes and E. Lerman
Completed November 14, 2015. Contains 8 papers with the total of 157 pages
Special Issue on New Directions in Lie Theory
Edited by V. Chari, K. Misra, E. Neher, M. Okado and H. Thomas
Completed July 28, 2015. Contains 19 papers with the total of 359 pages
Special Issue on Deformations of Space-Time and its Symmetries
Edited by G. Fiore, T.R. Govindarajan, J. Kowalski-Glikman, P. Kulish and J. Lukierski
Completed January 03, 2015. Contains 18 papers with the total of 376 pages
Special Issue on Progress in Twistor Theory
Edited by M. Eastwood, C. LeBrun and L. Mason
Completed September 10, 2014. Contains 8 papers with the total of 168 pages
Special Issue on Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Groups in honor of Marc A. Rieffel
Edited by G. Elliott, P.M. Hajac, H. Li and J. Rosenberg
Completed September 03, 2014. Contains 20 papers with the total of 419 pages
Special Issue in honor of Anatol Kirillov and Tetsuji Miwa
Edited by A. Kuniba, H. Nakajima, T. Nakanishi, M. Okado, T. Shiota and Y. Takeyama
Completed April 11, 2014. Contains 20 papers with the total of 479 pages
Special Issue “Mirror Symmetry and Related Topics”
Edited by D. Auroux, V. Batyrev, A. Polishchuk and E. Zaslow
Completed March 01, 2014. Contains 9 papers with the total of 869 pages
Special Issue “Symmetries of Differential Equations: Frames, Invariants and Applications”
Edited by N. Kamran, G. Mari Beffa, W. Miller and G.R. Sapiro
Completed October 08, 2013. Contains 22 papers with the total of 475 pages
Special Issue “Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics”
Edited by B. Dubrovin, Y. Kodama, I. Krichever, M. Pavlov, S. Shadrin, A. Veselov and Y. Zhang
Completed February 25, 2013. Contains 15 papers with the total of 302 pages
Special Issue “Loop Quantum Gravity and Cosmology”
Edited by M. Bojowald, B. Dittrich, E. Livine, P. Majumdar and F. Markopoulou
Completed February 16, 2013. Contains 25 papers with the total of 893 pages
Special Issue “Superintegrability, Exact Solvability, and Special Functions”
Edited by W. Miller, S. Post, P. Winternitz and K.B. Wolf
Completed February 15, 2013. Contains 20 papers with the total of 313 pages
Special Issue “Relationship of Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions with
Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems”
Edited by N. Joshi, E. Koelink, T. Koornwinder, M. Noumi, S. Ruijsenaars,
F. Smirnov and J. Stokman
Completed April 06, 2012. Contains 14 papers with the total of 380 pages
Proceedings of the Workshop “Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics and Spectral Design”
Edited by A. Andrianov, V. Hussin, J. Negro, L. Nieto and A. Smilga
Completed December 12, 2011. Contains 19 papers with the total of 284 pages
Proceedings of the Conference “Symmetries and Integrability of Difference Equations (SIDE-9)”
Edited by B. Aneva, V. Gerdjikov, P. Iliev and V. Papageorgiou
Completed November 07, 2011. Contains 14 papers with the total of 269 pages
Special Issue “Symmetry, Separation, Super-integrability and Special
Functions (S4)”
Edited by E. Kalnins, N. Kamran, P. Olver and P. Winternitz
Completed October 21, 2011. Contains 21 papers with the total of 351 pages
Proceedings of the Conference “Integrable Systems and Geometry”
Edited by B. Dubrovin, B. Grammaticos, J. Satsuma and K.M. Tamizhmani
Completed July 22, 2011. Contains 5 papers with the total of 64 pages
Proceedings of the International Workshop “Recent Advances in Quantum Integrable Systems”
Edited by L. Frappat and É. Ragoucy
Completed June 10, 2011. Contains 10 papers with the total of 171 pages
Special Issue “Noncommutative Spaces and Fields”
Edited by P. Aschieri, H. Grosse, G. Landi and R. Szabo
Completed October 20, 2010. Contains 31 papers with the total of 783 pages
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference
"Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2009)
Edited by A. Nikitin
Completed June 29, 2010. Contains 10 papers with the total of 209 pages
Proceedings of the Microconference
"Analytic and Algebraic Methods V" (Prague, Czech Republic, 2009)
Edited by M. Znojil
Completed May 25, 2010. Contains 9 papers with the total of 103 pages
Proceedings of the XVIIIth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries
Edited by C. Burdík and Z. Popowicz
Completed May 12, 2010. Contains 9 papers with the total of 131 pages
Proceedings of the Workshop “Geometric Aspects of Discrete and Ultra-Discrete Integrable Systems”
Edited by C. Korff, M. Okado, W.K. Schief and T. Tokihiro
Completed April 16, 2010. Contains 7 papers with the total of 152 pages
Proceedings of the Workshop “Elliptic Integrable Systems, Isomonodromy Problems, and Hypergeometric Functions”
Edited by M. Noumi, E.M. Rains, H. Rosengren and V.P. Spiridonov
Completed December 24, 2009. Contains 13 papers with the total of 291 pages
Special Issue “Élie Cartan and Differential Geometry”
Edited by R. Bryant, T. Ivey, N. Kamran, J. Landsberg and K. Tenenblat
Completed November 17, 2009. Contains 27 papers with the total of 611 pages
Special Issue on Deformation Quantization
Edited by A. Cattaneo, G. Dito, M. Kontsevich and D. Sternheimer
Completed September 18, 2009. Contains 13 papers with the total of 315 pages
Proceedings of the VIIth Workshop “Quantum Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators”
Edited by A.A. Andrianov, C.M. Bender, H.F. Jones, A. Smilga and M. Znojil
Completed July 07, 2009. Contains 11 papers with the total of 210 pages
Special Issue on Kac-Moody Algebras and Applications
Edited by R. Borcherds, E. Frenkel, V. Kac, R. Moody, J. Patera, A. Pianzola and P. Ramond
Completed June 11, 2009. Contains 20 papers with the total of 569 pages
Special Issue on Dunkl Operators and Related Topics
Edited by C. Dunkl, P. Forrester, M. de Jeu, M. Rösler and Y. Xu
Completed June 03, 2009. Contains 20 papers with the total of 292 pages
Proceedings of the XVIIth International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries
Edited by C. Burdík and Z. Popowicz
Completed April 23, 2009. Contains 8 papers with the total of 95 pages
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference
"Symmetry in Nonlinear Mathematical Physics" (Kyiv, Ukraine, 2007)
Edited by A. Nikitin
Completed September 11, 2008. Contains 54 papers with the total of 867 pages
Proceedings of the 2007 Midwest Geometry Conference
in honor of Thomas P. Branson (Iowa City, USA, 2007)
Edited by M. Eastwood and A. R. Gover
Completed April 02, 2008. Contains 26 papers with the total of 373 pages
Proceedings of the 3-rd Microconference
"Analytic and Algebraic Methods III" (Prague, Czech Republic, 2007)
Edited by M. Znojil
Completed February 25, 2008. Contains 6 papers with the total of 66 pages
Proceedings of the O'Raifeartaigh Symposium on Non-Perturbative
and Symmetry Methods in Field Theory (Budapest, Hungary, 2006)
Edited by J. Balog and L. Fehér
Completed October 05, 2007. Contains 21 papers with the total of 299 pages
Vadim Kuznetsov Memorial Issue on Integrable Systems
and Related Topics
Edited by S. Derkachov, T. Koornwinder, A. Manashov, O. Ragnisco, E. Sklyanin and A. Tsiganov
Completed August 02, 2007. Contains 56 papers with the total of 957 pages
Proceedings of Workshop on Geometric Aspects
of Integrable Systems (Coimbra, Portugal, 2006)
Edited by F. Calogero, J.-P. Françoise, J. C. Marrero, N. Manojlovic and J. Nunes da Costa
Completed March 23, 2007. Contains 13 papers with the total of 166 pages